Downtown Reno construction and business round up
In an effort to stay up-to-date with all the new developments and projects happening downtown, I’ll be writing a monthly update on all the new things in the pipeline that we can confirm through developers or public records.
Hi, my name is Nathan Digangi, and I’m the economic development manager at the Downtown Reno Partnership. I work with our executive director Alex Stettinski to bring new business and development leads to downtown Reno. We will work with existing economic development teams at EDAWN and the City of Reno to coordinate larger efforts for big businesses and developers. I also will track important demographic and economic data specifically for the downtown area.
This post is the first part of a series to get current with everything happening. Big thanks to Downtown Makeover for doing the bulk of the work curating this information.

Twaddle Mansion
Are you familiar with the historic Twaddle Mansion located on West Fifth Street? It was recently purchased by the father & son law firm Hess & Associates. They have been hard at work fixing up the place with new floors and paint. Their plan is to utilize the first floor for their law offices and rent out executive suits upstairs. Connect with them on social media to see the before & after pictures. We appreciate their excitement to be downtown and utilizing this cool, historic property.
ReLeaf Reno
Did you hear about the ReLeaf Reno initiative? This effort is not unique to downtown, but it will benefit anyone within the BID who takes advantage. Championed by council member Naomi Duerr, this program seeks to increase the coverage of Reno’s tree canopy by a significant percentage. We’re all about more trees, foliage and green spaces, so let’s go plant some trees. Do you have a tree on your property that you have questions about caring for? Contact someone at ReLeaf Reno to get connected with the city arborist and urban forestry team.
Coworking spaces
New options for coworking are popping up downtown. Boundless Popup Coworking is about to be launched by the folks from Wandering Wyld. Founder Rachel Macintyre wants to make use of underutilized spaces during off-hours.
“Our pop-up CoWorking concept was birthed from the desire to work in community. As entrepreneurs, while having the flexibility to choose when and where we work is definitely appealing, it can also feel lonely, and isolating. In isolation it can be hard to stay inspired and focussed… having experienced this challenge ourselves, we wanted to find an innovative solution.”
Founder Rachel Macintyre
Coworking is also returning to Arlington Tower on the second floor above where the Reno Collective used to be and is now occupied by Hookava.
The Hive Reno will offer a meditation pod and will be accepting initial memberships sometime this month. The owner, Tabitha Schneider said, “I am elated to be bringing coworking back to the downtown core and to be an anchor for the startup zone and entrepreneurial spirit in the community,” about the new space.
State Street development
A Special Use Permit has been filed for the 301 State Street development to increase the height of a multi-family project above 45 feet to 65 feet.
When asked how this project incorporates green technologies to reduce energy consumption, the applicant responded, “Charging stations will be included.”
It sounds like when this project is finished, you’ll be able to park your Tesla there to charge. This development was previously covered on Downtown Makeover, and the permit application can be viewed here.
Keytstone Commons

You know those large empty lots at the corner of Fifth and Keystone and Interstate 80? Blake Smith’s S3 Development Co. recently applied for, and was granted, an abandonment of the section of Sixth Street west of the Vine Street overpass. They are moving forward on a lodge development that will be a mix of retail, residential and even a hotel. Checkout the project brochure for a full description.
You know those large empty lots at the corner of Fifth and Keystone and Interstate 80? Blake Smith’s S3 Development Co. recently applied for, and was granted, an abandonment of the section of Sixth Street west of the Vine Street overpass. They are moving forward on a lodge development that will be a mix of retail, residential and even a hotel. Checkout the project brochure for a full description.
That’s all for now
There’s plenty more happening, and it will take a few more blog posts to cover everything. In the meantime, be sure to connect with us on social media and send us any big announcements you might know about.