A business improvement district (BID) is a specifically designated area of a city where property owners (sometimes business owners) pay an assessment to fund projects, improvements and marketing within that district’s boundaries. In Reno’s case, all property owners within the boundary are assessed a fee based on their property value to pay for the BID. These districts provide services, such as cleaning streets, providing security, making capital improvements, construction of pedestrian and streetscape enhancements and marketing and economic development. The services provided by BIDs supplement the city’s existing tools and resources and do not replace them.
The City of Reno researched business improvement districts since 2014; making visits to other cities, engaging with groups like Operation Downtown and seeking community input. The Progressive Urban Management Associates and Urban Land Institute both recommended that the City of Reno create a business improvement district, too.
In order to create the district, the business and property owners in the district petitioned the city to create the self-imposed fee and governance structure. A majority approval is required to create the BID. More than 500 property owners, or 61% of the district, were in favor of the BID, while 16 property owners, or 1%, were against it. Other property owners in the district did not participate in the petition.
The Downtown Reno Partnership business improvement district boundaries come from the previous Special Assessment Districts in downtown Reno. The boundaries are roughly Keystone Avenue on the West and Wells Avenue on the East. The Powning Historic District and Wells Avenue Historic District are excluded. The boundaries on the North stop roughly at Interstate 80 but extend into the University of Nevada, Reno’s Gateway District. The boundaries on the South stop at California Avenue except where it extends around the Wild Orchid strip club on Saint Lawrence Avenue and Forest Street.
The Downtown Reno Partnership is a 501(c)6 nonprofit business improvement district that replaced two previous City of Reno special assessment districts that paid for maintenance and additional police in Reno’s core.
Property owners will see a line item on their annual Washoe County property tax bill. That assessment is based on their property’s value, their location in the district, type of property and type of business. Washoe County collects those taxes and funnels the specific line item to the City of Reno, which then writes a check to the Downtown Reno Partnership. For example, commercial properties along Virginia Street pay the highest fee on their taxes to pay for additional street cleaning and services while homeowners and nonprofits on the edges of downtown pay the least.
The BID can also take contributions to help pay for more ambassadors, maintenance, marketing, economic development or operations. Because it is a 501(c)6, those donations are considered business expenses and not charitable tax-free donations.
The 2024-25 fiscal year budget is $3.8 million:
If you own property within the boundaries your fee is calculated from several factors in 2025/2026 fiscal year.
*Nonprofit uses will receive a 50% discount on the assessment rate, while residential properties will pay 85% of the standard assessment rate.
If this math is too complicated, don’t fret. The City of Reno has created an interactive map that shows the current fee for every property in downtown.
Depending on your property’s location, the BID will offer three levels of clean and safety services, which correspond with the above fee structure.
Assessments are based upon property value through the Washoe County Assessors office. Visit the FAQ “how much will I pay toward the BID” to learn more.
In addition to the ambassadors, overnight patrols and security guards to enhance safety, maintenance, cleanliness and vibrancy of the district, the business improvement district also provides economic development and marketing services for property and business owners.
The goal of the marketing manager is to increase business activity for existing operators through joint campaigns, social media and community building. The economic development team will also attract new investment to downtown to enhance property values, sales and occupancy.
The Downtown Reno Partnership business improvement district is set to last 10 years (2028) with a formal evaluation completed in year five (2023). To renew the BID, a new petition process will be started. Nationally, 99% of BIDs are renewed because the property owners are satisfied with their results, according to research by the City of Reno.
The Downtown Reno Partnership business improvement district boundaries come from the previous Special Assessment Districts in downtown Reno. The boundaries are roughly Keystone Avenue on the West and Wells Avenue on the East. The Powning Historic District and Wells Avenue Historic District are excluded. The boundaries on the North stop roughly at Interstate 80 but extend into the University of Nevada, Reno’s Gateway District. The boundaries on the South stop at California Avenue except where it extends around the Wild Orchid strip club on Saint Lawrence Avenue and Forest Street.
The second year (2019-2020 fiscal year) budget is $2.7 million (see previous year).
If you do not live within the BID boundaries, then you pay nothing. If you are renting or leasing a living space or business space, you also pay nothing.
If you own property within the boundaries your fee is calculated from several factors in 2019/2020 fiscal year.
*Nonprofit uses will receive a 50% discount on the assessment rate, while residential properties will pay 85% of the standard assessment rate.
If this math is too complicated, don’t fret. The City of Reno has created an interactive map that shows the current fee for every property in downtown compared to the previous Special Assessment District (the City of Reno’s police and maintenance district).
Depending on your property’s location, the BID will offer three levels of clean and safety services, which correspond with the above fee structure.
In May 2019, the Reno City Council re-approved property owner assessments to fund the Downtown Reno Partnership. Since the original assessments came from 2017 property values for our first year and 2019 property values for the following fiscal year, we decreased the standard assessment formula to compensate for the increased property values throughout the district.
All downtown properties increased in value an average of 26% during that time (meaning that some also went down while others went up). In real numbers that means that residential properties might’ve seen an increase anywhere from $20 to $150 per year in most cases while commercial properties could see more. And new development (meaning from dirt to building) would see significantly higher increase in property value and therefore assessment.
The partnership’s new budget of $2.7M (previously $2.3M) starts July 1, 2020.
As property values continue to increase, so too would the assessment. The board will continue to balance the needs of downtown with the changes in assessment over time.
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