The Downtown Reno Partnership successfully finished its fourth year. The Ambassador team, including five social outreach specialists, continued to make a difference in the district. Here are a few numbers, reflecting their hard work (numbers are rounded):
This year, we were able to add a pressure-washing truck and two clean ambassadors to support our property owners, businesses and residents. The BID’s truck is able to respond quickly to calls for service and cleanliness issues are being addressed within a very short time. The truck is often deployed over 20 times per day to clean soiled areas.
Our relationship with the Reno Police Department remains strong and there is great appreciation for the support the Ambassadors are providing to help continue to reduce the number of nuisance related crimes in downtown, which is down by over 50%.
In the effort to create a more walkable Downtown corridor, the DRP, in partnership with the City of Reno, created the Locomotion Plaza. It took us almost two years to get all pieces in place to beautify the ReTRAC area between Virginia and Sierra Streets, and we were able to finish the second phase this year. It included two LED up lights for each of the 20 trees on the plaza and six 30’ poles with spotlights to make the mural glow at night. The funding was provided through a $30,000 grant the DRP secured and through additional funding the City provided.
And we already are on to our next beautification project: the riverwalk between Lake Street and John Champion Park. The Truckee River is our biggest asset, and we must make sure residents and visitors can enjoy the beauty of it.
In the Economic Development arena, we have purchased smart software, which will be able to track foot traffic in our downtown, a resource many developers and businesses will want to know. We also conducted a comprehensive SWOT analysis of various stakeholder groups to provide solid data to Gehl, the urban design firm the City contracted to produce a Placemaking Study for the Virginia corridor in downtown. We are working closely with Bird Scooters to ensure the micro mobility efforts in our area are well managed.
It takes a village to revitalize our Downtown, and we are a strong part of it.
Alex Stettinski & Par Tolles
The Downtown Reno Partnership’s Board, Staff and Ambassadors spent the year continuing to forge partnerships with regional partners, downtown stakeholders and community organizations. Those partnerships help advance our mission of improving life and the overall experience in downtown Reno.
In fiscal year 2021-2022, the Downtown Reno Partnership’s $3.2 million budget covered various services, including augmented Reno Police Department services and enhanced street maintenance and cleaning in downtown.
Additionally, the DRP was the recipient of a $50k grant from the City of Reno for cleaning equipment which included the heavily used and very popular pressure-washing truck.
Specific partnerships with our ambassadors and marketing staff will be discussed in more detail in the related sections of this report.
The Ambassador Team is a critical part of the Downtown Reno Partnership. The 25-member Ambassador Team is responsible for assisting visitors, businesses, and residents throughout the 100-blocks of the Business Improvement District’s boundaries. The Ambassador Team is split into three areas of focus: hospitality, safe and clean, and social outreach.
The Ambassadors regularly collaborate with other organizations including the Reno Police Department, the Reno Fire Department, REMSA and City of Reno Code Enforcement to maintain the district. 2021 proved to be a year in which the Ambassadors were able to add even more tools to their arsenal to further assist those in our BID.
Washoe County Donates a Van
The DRP and the Ambassador Team are grateful to Washoe County for donating a passenger van which has allowed our Social Outreach Team to assist those in our BID in securing vital items such as driver’s licenses and identification cards, conducting business at the Social Security office, giving rides to hospitals in non-emergency situations, taking clients to housing, to appointments at the Department of Social Services and more. REMSA maintains the vehicle and we are grateful for the on-going support which allows the Ambassadors to help those in our community.
Adding a Safe and Clean Team
One of the biggest additions to our DRP Ambassador Team has been the addition of a pressure-washing truck as well as two Clean and Safe Ambassadors. With this new equipment and new team members, businesses in the BID are able to reach out for timely pressure washing of areas outside their business to ensure there is a welcome presence outside of businesses. Thank you to the City of Reno who donated the funds to be able to purchase this pressure washing truck and help keep the BID clean and presentable.
Expanding Social Outreach Team
In 2021, our Social Outreach Team grew by one member for a total of four Social Outreach Ambassadors. This group is responsible for providing life-changing help to people inside the BID including trips to the DMV to secure driver’s licenses and identification cards, assisting getting people into permanent housing, transporting people to the CARES campus and other housing services, taking people to the hospital for non-emergency services as well as providing transportation and assistance in getting people to the Department of Social Services.
Assisting in Beautification of Downtown
The Ambassador Team helped the with the painting of Locomotion Plaza, bringing the colorful mural to life on top of the Reno ReTRAC. Approximately five Ambassadors helped several others from the community in painting the mural in the plaza between the Reno Arch and the Eldorado Resort Casino. The mural covers 18,000 square feet, took 100 hours to complete and now serves as a vibrant addition to our BID.
The Downtown Reno Partnership ambassadors were trained by Reno Police, Northern Nevada HOPES, The Life Change Center, Advantage CPR Instruction and toured numerous service organizations in downtown. They use this training to keep downtown safer by approaching everyone with kindness and administering CPR or Narcan in life-threatening situations. They keep downtown cleaner by alerting City of Reno Public Works and Code Enforcement to problem areas that need immediate attention. The ambassadors track those interactions as they happen.
Continue to transform downtown into a more vibrant community that is economically diverse, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, dynamic, beautiful, and resilient.
Our mission within economic development aligns with the values of our organization to help build a downtown that has something for everyone. We have identified the core competencies of our department to include three goal areas as our core categories.
Data & Information – Collect it, manage it, analyze it, be a strong resource for it.
Community Organizing – Facilitate meetings, make connections, collaborate, be available.
Main Street – Be involved, support entrepreneurship, small business, beautification, placemaking.
In our fourth year of Economic Development, we continued successful strategies to establish a consistent rhythm focused on our three established goals and six strategic initiatives.
Our proficiency using data has expanded to include visitor foot traffic data through This information represents anonymized mobile-device tracking data from a panel of apps, which users have opted into location tracking. We are using this visitor data to measure economic recovery from the pandemic, discover patterns and trends for how people visit and move around downtown, measure event attendance, and predict demand for ambassadors and other services.
Moving forward, we will work to further integrate data sources from our regional partners including the City of Reno, Washoe County, and the State of Nevada.
Through fall and winter, we completed a series of focus groups dedicated to discussions about different areas of the BID to identify various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This SWOT Analysis exercise included more than sixty stakeholder participates in two-hour conversations to gauge the most important issues in their respective areas. The information gathered in this process will be compiled with other studies and survey results to create the baseline of a unified vision for the future of downtown.
The preliminary results from our focus groups reinforced a lot of what we already knew and provided some additional context to new concerns. Some of the main takeaways include a desire for additional focus on the Truckee River and pathway as our greatest strenght; a consensus that downtown is lacking amenities and activities for various groups; a need for better connectivity between different districts and neighborhoods; and uncertainties about individuals and groups having too much influence, overtaking public spaces, draining resources, utilizing without contributing, or neglecting to be proper stewards of their properties.
Our collaborations with statewide economic development interests expanded last year through conversations with the State Treasurer, the Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation, and the Western Nevada Development District. With the Truckee River and adjacent pathway being identified as one of the most valuable assets in downtown, we also recognize it as an important feature for our metropolitan region and Northern Nevada as a whole. In order to make improvements to the river corridor that improve usability and expand equitable access with a focus on sustainability, we must include a broad representation of regional leadership.
The addition of Bird Scooters to downtown helps to alleviate connectivity problems with the last half-mile of transportation. Our downtown is centrally located with easy access and parking options. Getting to downtown is not the problem—the problem lies in getting around downtown because parking is not always available at the final destination. Electric scooters are one piece of a multi-modal solution.
Our Urban Main Street Program continues to be an active affiliate of the Nevada Main Street Program through the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. Last year, we finished the second phase of our ReTRAC Beautification project with overhead and landscape lighting to brighten up the plants and mural at night. We’ve also identified new grant funding opportunities like the Washoe County Community Reinvestment Grant, the Nevada State Parks Recreational Trails Program, and the AARP Community Challenge Grant.
In October 2021, we attended the International Downtown Association (IDA) conference in Tampa, FL. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues and counterparts to collaborate with across the country. Takeaways from the conference included a lot of validation for what we have already been doing since the inception of the BID along with good ideas and direction for the future.
Through our involvement with IDA, we were selected to host their West Coast Urban District Forum in June 2022. We helped with the planning, scheduling, and facilitation of venues for all the guest speakers, breakout sessions, receptions, and tours. It was an honor and privilege to welcome nearly 200 leaders and professionals from over 20 downtown communities.
The economic development efforts of the Downtown Reno Partnership continue to be a catalyst for transformation by striving to create vibrancy, working with property owners and businesses, acting as the authority on downtown data, and keeping the conversation going with stakeholders and regional partners to work towards an urban environment where people love to live, work and play.
This year, the marketing department was motivated to promote businesses and safe practices for COVID compliance. It continued its business forums, Holiday Deal Hunt, produced a commercial highlighting Downtown Reno, and promoted businesses, events, and artwork with the goal of bringing people downtown.
The marketing department produced fresh content on ways to support downtown businesses. We focused on Instagram Stories, Facebook posts and organic blog posts. We created all the press materials, pitched local media and worked with our partners at Foundry to pitch ambassadors’ stories, BID successes and COVID business best practices to regional and national media.
The marketing department worked with Ambassadors to create key strategies for large events in Downtown Reno, promoted the Ambassador Hotline number and services offered, and helped social outreach with its monthly Affordable Housing Workshop.
Throughout the year and moving forward, the marketing department is working with key organizations to amplify a unified mission of a Vibrant Downtown Reno.
Alex Stettinski
Executive Director
Austin Pollard & Chris Reardon
Operations Manager
Mike Higdon
Marketing Manager
Nathan Digangi
Economic Development Manager
Tanya Polli
Office Manager
$1.1 million of that paid for 29 ambassadors, their manager and equipment.
$810,000 paid for supplemental Reno Police officers in order to maintain previous police force paid for by the previous special assessment district.
$615,000 paid for staff, operations, economic development and marketing programs.
$403,000 paid for the City of Reno staff who performed additional maintenance and cleaning throughout the district and for improvements along Virginia Street.
$108,000 premium services for beautification and improvements on Virginia Street.
$810,000 paid for supplemental Reno Police officers in order to maintain previous police force paid for by the previous special assessment district.
$615,000 paid for staff, operations, economic development and marketing programs.
$403,000 paid for the City of Reno staff who performed additional maintenance and cleaning throughout the district and for improvements along Virginia Street.
$108,000 premium services for beautification and improvements on Virginia Street.
Chair Par Tolles
President of Tolles Development
Vice Chair Chris Shanks
Dickson Commercial Realtor, owner of The Depot Craft Brewery-Distillery and Louis Basque Corner
Secretary Jim Gallaway
Resident of the Palladio Condominium Tower
Treasurer Mike Rossman
Director of Development, Reno Basin Street Properties
Jonathan Boulware
Vice President of Nevada Operations at Jacobs Entertainment
Sharon Chamberlain
CEO of Northern Nevada HOPES Hospital
Tiffany Coury
CEO of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Eric Edelstein
President at Reno Aces Baseball & Reno 1868 FC
Troy Miller
Assistant VP of Community and Real Estate at the University of Nevada
Britton Griffith
Vice President of Reno Engineering & President of the Riverwalk District
Neoma Jardon
Reno City Council Member
Alexis Hill
Washoe County Commissioner
Steven T. Polikalas
Attorney at Law
Eric Lerude
Downtown Reno resident at The Montage
Daniel Brown
Acquisition Director at CAI Investments
Tony Marini
Vice President of Operations & Guest Experience at THE ROW
Kaya Stanley
Co-Owner of Old Granite Street Eatery
Chair Par Tolles
President of Tolles Development
Vice Chair Chris Shanks
Dickson Commercial Realtor, owner of The Depot Craft Brewery-Distillery and Louis Basque Corner
Secretary Jim Gallaway
Resident of the Palladio Condominium Tower
Treasurer Mike Rossman
Director of Development, Reno Basin Street Properties
Jonathan Boulware
Vice President of Nevada Operations at Jacobs Entertainment
Sharon Chamberlain
CEO of Northern Nevada HOPES Hospital
Tiffany Coury
CEO of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Eric Edelstein
President at Reno Aces Baseball & Reno 1868 FC
Troy Miller
Assistant VP of Community and Real Estate at the University of Nevada
Britton Griffith
Vice President of Reno Engineering & President of the Riverwalk District
Neoma Jardon
Reno City Council Member
Alexis Hill
Washoe County Commissioner
Steven T. Polikalas
Attorney at Law
Eric Lerude
Downtown Reno resident at The Montage
Daniel Brown
Acquisition Director at CAI Investments
Tony Marini
Vice President of Operations & Guest Experience at THE ROW
Kaya Stanley
Co-Owner of Old Granite Street Eatery
Chair Par Tolles
President of Tolles Development
Vice Chair Chris Shanks
Dickson Commercial Realtor, owner of The Depot Craft Brewery-Distillery and Louis Basque Corner
Secretary Jim Gallaway
Resident of the Palladio Condominium Tower
Treasurer Mike Rossman
Director of Development, Reno Basin Street Properties
Jonathan Boulware
Vice President of Nevada Operations at Jacobs Entertainment
Sharon Chamberlain
CEO of Northern Nevada HOPES Hospital
Tiffany Coury
CEO of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Eric Edelstein
President at Reno Aces Baseball and Reno 1868 FC
Troy Miller
Assistant VP of Community and Real Estate at the University of Nevada
Britton Griffith
Vice President of Reno Engineering & President of the Riverwalk District
Neoma Jardon
Reno City Council Member
Alexis Hill
Washoe County Commissioner
Steven T. Polikalas
Attorney at Law
Eric Lerude
Downtown Reno resident at The Montage
Daniel Brown
Acquisition Director at CAI Investments
Tony Marini
Vice President of Operations & Guest Experience at THE ROW
Kaya Stanley
Co-Owner of Old Granite Street Eatery
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