DRP Icon
The Faces of Change

Ambassador Statistics & Accomplishments


The Downtown Reno Partnership ambassadors record their activities, encounters and reports into a central database. StreetPlus, the company hired to train and manage the Ambassador’s, produces a monthly report capturing their training, statistics and accomplishments. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the major statistics for the last fiscal year.

The Faces of Change

Ambassador Statistics
& Accomplishments


The Downtown Reno Partnership ambassadors record their activities, encounters and reports into a central database. StreetPlus, the company hired to train and manage the Ambassador’s, produces a monthly report capturing their training, statistics and accomplishments. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the major statistics for the month and uploaded a full report at the end of each list.

DRP Icon
The Faces of Change

Ambassador Statistics & Accomplishments


The Downtown Reno Partnership ambassadors record their activities, encounters and reports into a central database. Streetplus produces a monthly report capturing their training, statistics and accomplishments. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the major statistics for the month and uploaded a full report at the end of each list.

DRP Icon
DRP Ambassadors
The Faces of Change

Ambassador Statistics & Accomplishments


The Downtown Reno Partnership ambassadors record their activities, encounters and reports into a central database. StreetPlus, the company hired to train and manage the Ambassador’s, produces a monthly report capturing their training, statistics and accomplishments. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the major statistics for the month and uploaded a full report at the end of each list.

DRP Icon
Social Services Referrals (Shelters, Detox, Clothing, Housing)
0 +
Pounds of Trash Collected
0 +
Safe Walks
~ 0
Van Rides to Shelters or Services
Social Services Referrals
(Shelters, Detox, Clothing, Housing)
0 +
Safe Walks
~ 0
Pounds of Trash Collected
0 +
Van Rides to Shelters or Services
Social Services Referrals
(Shelters, Detox, Clothing, Housing)
0 +
Pounds of Trash Collected
0 +
Safe Walks
~ 0
Van Rides to Shelters or Services

*Statistics based on the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year.

Ambassador Reports

Select A Year

2025 Ambassador Reports


2025 Ambassador Reports


2025 Ambassador Reports




  • 02/12/2025 – Social Services Hultsman met with a client who explained that she is on a sit-out from Our Place and is now ready to go back home to California. With the help of Social Services Tremaine, the client was transported to Our Place to pick up her belongings and transported directly to the Amtrak Station to catch the Greyhound bus back home.

  • 02/14/2025 – Social Services Ross was contacted by a local church who informed her of an ongoing issue where an elderly female client was continuing to seek shelter at their church but was awaiting a bed at Our Place Women’s Shelter. Social Services Ross worked with the client for several days, as well as assisted the client with transportation to the Cares Campus Resource Center while she awaited a bed at Our Place. On Tuesday, February 18, 2024 Social Services Ross successfully placed the client into Our Place.


  • 02/11/2025 – Security Guard Christopher was walking his usual patrol route when he received a call there was a woman laying down at the pioneer center property to see if we could ask the woman to get up and leave as they were preparing for a show. He then went over to the client and woke her up and explained they she could not sleep on their property. The woman was upset as she was unhoused and did not know where she could go. He explained to the woman that she had many options of where she could go and receive help. He then went back inside and spoke with the caller and explained all the services that we could help and assist with. The stakeholder explained that she was unaware of this and thanked me for letting her know and for responding to the call.

  • February – Security Guard Greg has been getting to know a lot of the unhoused and sometimes they are unaware of what services we provide. He had a few clients he had been talking to for a few months. Both of them just had a string of bad luck. After talking with them he found out they were just trying to save any money they could to get back home. Security Guard Greg was able to inform them that a Social Services Ambassador might be able to help them with bus tickets home if they qualified. Within the next few days, they had been given bus tickets to get home. After a couple snow delays, they got on a bus and went back home to their families. The job we do is challenging at times so it really feels great when you get to help out.

February 2025 Report



  • 01/28/2025 – Social Services Ambassador Ross was contacted by a Reno Police Department Officer who was attempting to assist a young woman with getting a one-way ticket home to Los Cruces, Arizona. The RPD Officer expressed to Social Services Ambassador Ross the importance of the situation, as the client was vulnerable and in need of getting back home to family. Social Services Ambassador Rossacted quickly and had the woman on a bus that very same day back home.
  • January 2025 – Of the four years that Social Services Ambassador Hultsman has been working with the ambassador team, she has known a specific unsheltered client who has been consistently unhoused in Downtown Reno, as well as resistant of services. In early January, the client came to Social Services Ambassador Hultsman explaining that he had severe health issues diagnosed by his doctor, and in need of transitional housing to begin prioritizing his health. Social Services Hultsman was able to successfully move the client into Safe Camp on January 29, 2025, so the client can begin bettering his circumstances.


  • 01/04/2025 – Security Donaker conducted a wellness check on a wheelchair bound female who was sitting outside of a business in the rain. The female explained that she was in need of a cab to take her to the pharmacy to pick up her medication but none had arrived. After Security Donaker called for a taxi, they still failed to arrive. The female began expressing that she was feeling unwell and needed to hurry to get the medication. Due to her quickening illness, Security Donaker suggested an ambulance to take her to the hospital for evaluation. REMSA arrived a few minutes later and transported her to the hospital.
  • 01/16/2025 – Security Harper was called to respond to loiterers sitting on the 4th St. sidewalk. Upon responding, the individuals became agitated and began threatening security Harper. Security Harper continued to explain the municipal codes, as well as offer resources to the individuals. The individuals eventually got up and left the area. Security continued to patrol the area and the Ambassadors continued to offer resources where they could.

January 2025 Report

2024 Ambassador Reports


2024 Ambassador Reports


2024 Ambassador Reports




  • January – The month of January was not able to claim any new victims in the downtown area due to the cold as the Ambassador team made it our mission to ensure that our houseless community were provided adequate clothing and directed to the proper shelters needed to get through those bitterly cold nights. We pledge to continue to offer whatever resources that we can where ever we can over the following months with the main goal of not losing anyone to the elements this winter.

  • January - An infamous individual having a long-running abrasive relationship with the ambassador team has finally come full circle with the streets of Reno and surrendered. He is now in a program and doing good with the help he needs for the long battle still in front of him. This client is well known for his aggressiveness towards the Reno Ambassadors. We never lost hope with him and continued to encourage him to make the decisions that would get him back on his feet. Today he holds a job, is clean, and sober, moving forward in life with new hope and that is why we strive to provide the best help we can to everyone even when they are less than cordial with us and test our resolve.

  • 01/17/2024 – two individuals showed up at the ambassador base having been stranded here when their car broke down. Not knowing anyone and having little to no funds they were in a desperate situation and needed help. In the end we were able to help them contact their family and get a room at one of the local hotels for the night with a ride arriving the following morning back to the city that they live in and a tow truck following with their vehicle.


  • 01/06/2024 – Outreach Reyes and Hospitality Mueller went on a call about a man in a wheelchair who was out in the snow in front of Fosters Sierra Auto Service. As we showed up, they saw the man that was in a very cold state. By the way he appeared we could see he had been outside for some time. Despite his physical and mental state, he was grateful for the help we provided. The man told us he would have frozen if we didn’t provide the transport.

  • 01/08/2024 – Outreach Tremaine and Outreach Reyes helped get a client into Cares Campus. The woman was sitting in front of the Wild River Grille camped out with a cart full of belongings. The Graveyard Ambassadors informed her that someone from Outreach will come talk to her, that’s where Outreach Tremaine and Outreach Reyes took over. After talking to the client about going to the shelter for a while, she was willing to go. Outreach Tremaine and Outreach Reyes informed the client that she would have to down size her items in order for her to get into Cares Campus. They gave her 20 minutes to down size. After the 20 minutes were up, she had downsized a little. Outreach Reyes then reached out to the DRPs cleaning team to come pick up the rest of her items. Outreach Tremaine and Outreach Reyes took the client and her belongings to Cares Campus. She was able to get in and did the assessment for Cares Campus.

  • 01/12/2024 – Outreach Hultsman had a breakthrough with a client who she has known for the three years she has been with this organization. The client has always been resistant of services, and hardly had interest in talking with anyone. He reached out to Rainey, who attempted to keep a good rapport with him, and requested information on getting into Safe Camp. The client even went as far as to open up about their personal life with Rainey. Rainey is happy to announce that she successfully got the client nominated into Safe Camp on January 17, 2024. The client is set to move in on January 23rd.

  • 01/19/2024 – Outreach Reyes and Hospitality Miller were walking and patrolling zone 2. We see a man in between the Cal Neva parking garage and the Pawn shop in the distance sitting down. As we are walking up to him, he then falls over from sitting down. I started calling out to him and he seemed to be intoxicated and in and out of consciousness. I knew he wasn’t in a good state so I called Non Emergency and was able to talk to the operator. She then proceeded in telling me how to help the individual while paramedics showed up to the scene. The paramedics showed up and were able to give the man assistance.

January 2024 Report




  • February – Ambassador Miller, a seasoned Hospitality Lead, is well versed with our BID. He has a unique ability to be “in the right place at the right time,” and has a keen eye for keeping our downtown district safe, clean and welcoming for everyone. While patrolling his zone, he radioed into dispatch for an outreach transport to Our Place while Ambassadors were in route to an encampment clean up. Initially, the client was hesitant to ask for help after arriving in Reno. Her purse was stolen including her identification, bank, and credit cards. Considering she is from Santa Barbara and has a home there where she resides, we were able to get her connected to our Outreach team and led her to the proper sources for shelter in the upcoming storm until she could make it back home.

  • February - Like dropping a pebble into the water, the ripple effect of small acts of kindness goes a long way. Empathy and compassion for our fellow human are at the core of what we do. Many people talk about changing the world, but it’s those small atomic habits that accumulate creating steady progress over time by consistently working towards our goals. These are the small wins that support our community, and end up making the big wins. A big win for us is when we are able to connect locals to our Outreach Ambassadors and supportive services that many times are a matter of a simple ride to visit their caseworker to renew paperwork, etc. Our hospitality ambassadors, including Ambassadors Roper and Day Baxter, are always on the front lines trying their best to create a safe and clean environment for everyone living and working or visiting the downtown area of our Biggest Little City!

  • February – During a zone patrol, Hospitality Hinshaw encountered a local client that is currently 44 days sober. Many of the issues facing the unhoused is alcohol or substance abuse. After checking in with Gospel Mission, he was able to walk the client to Life Changes, a sober living program. From there, the client was able to get on the waiting list to start their treatment program. LifeChanges was also able to refer him to Thrift Depot, where he now has a job that will help keep him busy, working, and sober past the 44 days. These small increments of change that our Hospitality Ambassadors and Outreach team contribute to the vision of the Downtown Reno Partnership are vital to keeping our areas of Reno safe and welcoming for all.


  • 02/24/2024 – On February 24, 2024, Outreach Ross responded to a call from the Reno Police regarding a female in need of getting into Our Place Women’s Shelter. Upon Ross’ arrival, RPD informed her that this client was a victim of sex trafficking and in need of safe and stable shelter. Ross took the time to build rapport with the client and transported the client safely to Our Place where she was able to get a bed.

  • February – Throughout the month of February, the Outreach Ambasadors had been working with a client who was stranded in Reno to get back home to Seattle,Washington. When luck was running out, Outreach Ross didn’t give up hope and successfully contacted a social worker in Seattle to verify the client’s residence. On February 15, 2024, Ross got the client a ticket home, getting the client back to his social worker and his house.

February 2024 Report



  • 03/14/2024 – Ambassadors House and Gonzales went on a safety & welfare call at the Amtrak Station. When they arrived, they were directed towards a gentleman that had become stuck in Reno and needed assistance. What they found out was that he could only afford a ticket as far as Reno on his attempt to go home so he arrived with no money and did not know anyone or even his way around Reno as this was the first time he had been here. The man was in a very bad situation and he knew it and was thankful for any help that he could get. Ambassadors House and Gonzales talked with him to get an idea of how they could best help him out so after having a good conversation with him, they learned he was in need of a meal and directed him to a restaurant for a meal. Next, they brought the man back to the ambassador base to make some phone calls for him in hopes of finding a way to get him the rest of the way home. Finally, they got him a place to stay for the night and linked him up with Outreach Ambassador Ross who then transported him to the Cares Campus ensuring that the gentleman was able to have a bed for that night with plans to work on figuring out more the following day.

  • 03/14/2024 – Ambassadors House and Gonzales helped a double leg amputee gentleman in a wheel chair that was on the streets with nowhere to go and was just hanging out in front of The Jesse. They talked with him and offered to take the man to the Cares Campus and to get him a hot meal. The gentleman graciously accepted so Outreach Ambassador Ross came and picked him up and later that night he had a full mean and would have a bed to sleep in for the first time in a long time.

  • 03/17/2024 – Ambassador Roper talked to a distressed mother that had come to the Ambassador base in hopes of getting some help. She was looking for her son who was somewhere on the streets of Reno after he stopped taking his meds and then went on a bender and disappeared. She was desperately trying locate him before something bad might end up happening to him. Ambassador Roper asked her for a recent photo and after looking through a few she provided he recognized him and even had recently spoken with him. Within an hour Ambassador Roper was able to take her directly to her son. For now, the son is not able to return home, but they are working towards his sobriety and getting him off the streets and hope that soon he will be back on track.

    03/27/2024 – the entire morning crew of Ambassadors went to Record St. and cleared out all the people that had trespassed along the rail road tracks before it could get any more out of hand than it was or worse an accident occurred that injured or killed someone. The team made sure that they talked with everyone that needed to relocate so they were aware of the resources available to them but they all were unwilling to accept the resources offered. Overall, it took the Ambassador Team a couple of hours to complete the job which included getting about 10 unsheltered people to pack up & leave that location as well as at least two full truckloads of garbage to be bagged up then hauled to the local dump which in the end, it was a success and the 4th and Record Street area looks a whole lot cleaner now.

  • 03/29/2024 – several Ambassadors went down behind Aces Ballpark to the banks of the Truckee River where a spillway for a large storm drain ends to do a large cleanup and removal job. The ambassador team was able to bag up over 10 large hefty bags of trash in just over an hour and haul it to the dump. If the team had not done this clean up all the trash would have ultimately ended up getting swept down the Truckee River helping to further pollute our beautiful river.


  • 03/08/2024 – Outreach Ross began working with a client who was initially approached by Cleaning Ambassador Yonker, who conducted a wellness check on the individual on the railroad tracks. It turns out, the client had a son in San Bernadino who he had lost contact with but desperately wanted to be reunited with. Outreach Ross and Yonker found the client’s son after searching for him through social media and helped the two reunite.

  • 03/01/2024 – Outreach Reyes was referred to a client to conduct a wellness check on them. It turned out, the client was in need of shelter and was within qualifications to utilize Eddy House. Outreach Reyes transported the client to the Eddy House and did a warm hand-off to their intake specialist.

  • 03/06/2024 – Outreach Hultsman worked with a long-term client who was in need of their I.D. from the DMV. Outreach Hultsman not only coordinated with Catholic Charities to get the client a check for payment, but also met with the client at Community Court, and worked with City of Reno to schedule him a ride to the DMV. The client has now received their I.D. in the mail, and is working on obtaining employment and long-term housing.

  • 03/25/2024 – the entire Outreach Team showed success when a long-term unhoused client in Downtown Reno had finally admitted themselves into detox. This client has been unhoused for over 3 years. After many failed attempts with attending programs, and staying consistent, the outreach team helped the client meet their goal of attending detox. The client is now on their next steps to being involved in a program.

March 2024 Report



    • 04/03/2024 – Ambassador Hinshaw was able to defuse a domestic situation that almost turned violent when two intoxicated people decided to let their emotions get out of control and began trying to physically hurt each other making matters worse. Ambassador Hinshaw was able to distract the two long enough to get space between them and with choosing his words carefully got them to see how out of line they were being to each other and that they very well could end up incarcerated if they didn't get it together. You never know what each day may bring your way, always keeping the best outcome to any situation our goal as well as helping your fellow man a priority you can have an impact in keeping the world a better place to be in.


    • 04/19/2024 – Ambassador Gonzales and Ambassador Bernardi helped find a lost dog that was clearly very loved by its upset owner. The owner was completely terrified that her dog would be lost forever or even worse get accidentally run over in the downtown traffic. Coming to us in a panic she desperately needed our help in finding her dog quickly. The team came together and spread the dog’s description and last known location to everyone they could getting many people to help in looking for the poor little guy. Within about an hour Ambassador Gonzales and Bernardi would locate him and were able to sweet talk the little dog into grabbing him which they did successfully. The dog was reunited with his owner. A great ending to a story that could have ended in a far worse way. Good job to all involved.


  • 04/22/2024 – Ambassador Bernardi once again came to the rescue of a dog that got away from its owner. This time it would be a beautiful young Husky that was wandering around downtown dragging a long leash tied to its collar. Ambassador Bernardi quickly apprehended the dog knowing that someone was frantically looking for him. She was able to get him back to our base so she could attempt to sort out what needed to happen to find its owner and after a few phone calls and some walking around the streets talking with people the team was able to find the dog’s owner and turn another potentially bad situation into a great ending. Another well done job with a positive outcome, great job team.


    • 04/16/2024 – Ambassadors safely transported a young woman to our base to speak with outreach. Outreach Hultsman assessed the client and found that they are 18 years old and wanting to go to Santa Cruz to live with their aunt. Unfortunately, the client was ineligible to be sent there due to not having any contact numbers for family. With this, Outreach Hultsman took the time to build the client’s trust, to which the client disclosed that they were a victim of trafficking, and do not feel safe sleeping outside. Outreach Hultsman coordinated with Outreach Ross to transport the client safely to a resource that would ensure that they are no longer unhoused on the streets.


    • 04/11/2024 – Outreach Tremaine and Ambassador House was called to help a lady on 2nd and Lake St. When arriving on the scene, they found a lady laying on the ground. The woman was laying on a blanket saying the she was hot and wanted some water. Outreach Tremaine asked Ambassador House to see if a local stake holder could provide some water. While Ambassador House was getting the water, Outreach Tremaine called Our Place to see if they had a bed open, and they did not. Outreach Tremaine then asked the lady how she was feeling because the lady was complaining of being hot. The lady finally agreed to go to the hospital because she gets dizzy when she would try to stand up. Ambassador House came back with a cup of water and gave it to the lady, and called non-emergency for an ambulance to come pick up the lady. Outreach Tremaine was concerned that the lady was in the beginning stages of heat exhaustion, seeing as the lady was laying in the sun with a puffy jacket and sweat shirt. The ambulance showed up and took the lady to the hospital.


  • 04/17/2024 – Outreach Tremaine ran into a client that she had worked with off and on for some time. The client told her that he is no longer sleeping on the streets due to getting into an apartment. He also informed Outreach Tremaine that he had finally gotten his birth certificate and social security card, and all he needs to get now is his ID card. Outreach Tremaine provided the client with the necessary information in obtaining their I.D. by referring them to the proper resources that could help with payment, as well as transportation.

April 2024 Report



  • 05/03/2024 – On Friday, May 3rd Ambassadors Yonker and Jimenez were finishing a cleanup job along the Railroad Tracks near Record Street when they came across a man that had been camping in that area. After talking with the man, they informed him of what resources may be of help and eventually the man took their advice and looked into what they were trying to get him to check out. In the end, he was on his way to the Eddy House (and he’s still there) no longer sleeping along the tracks.

  • 05/16/2024 – Ambassador Mitchell helped a woman who was stranded for the night. He was able to get ahold of Outreach Ambassador Ross to transport her to the Cares Campus. The team then helped her with checking-in and securing a bed for that night as the woman had never been in this situation before and was nervous, not wanting to take that first step for help. With the help of Ambassador Mitchell, she was walked through the process and made to feel comfortable when she was feeling uncomfortable.

  • 05/26/2024 – Ambassador House assisted in getting help for a woman that had been battered by an abusive boyfriend. As she passed by him, he noticed blood on her blouse and she looked to be distraught. He stopped her, asked if she was okay, and if she needed emergency services. She acted surprised by his question and claimed that she was okay so he pointed out that there was blood on her blouse. At this she started crying, telling him she was in a relationship that was abusive. Ambassador House listened to her, showing his concern for her safety and then got her to agree to be seen by emergency Services which he called at that time. After she was treated, he helped her look into some resources that she needed to get out of her situation.

  • 05/14/2024 – Outreach Tremaine came across a woman who was informed by another agency that we may be able to help with a ticket for her to get back home to Alaska. Unfortunately, due to various factors, the client did not qualify for the program. This did not stop Outreach Tremaine, however, as she reached out to Karma Box and was able to coordinate with the team to assist the client further in their need to go back home.

  • May – Outreach Hultsman was assisting a client with transportation to the Social Security Office as they had lost their income and were in desperate need of regaining it to continue with their housing plan. After three weeks, the client informed outreach Hultsman that they were finally able to successfully obtain their monthly SSI once again and are now applying for housing in Reno.

  • 05/12/2024 – Outreach Reyes came across an individual who was laid out on Virginia St. and was in desperate need of medical attention due to showing signs of heat exhaustion. Outreach Reyes spared no time in calling REMSA, and they arrived quickly to help the man regain consciousness and take them to the hospital.
May 2024 Report



    • 07/16/2024 – Social Services Tremaine met up with Mayor Schieve and her assistant at the side of the Amtrack Station. They were talking to a homeless woman about where home was and options to get her home. Social Services Tremaine informed the mayor that the DRP has a program to help get homeless people back home. Mayor Schieve then gave Social Services Tremaine $6 to get the woman and her dog water. Social Services Tremaine and the client, after confirming a family member would be able to receive her, made a plan for her to go to the Ambassador’s office the next day to get her a ticket home to Eugene Oregon

    • 07/09/2024 – Social Services Ambassador Detels responded to a hotline call from Amtrak, who was requesting a wellness check for a woman on their property. Upon arrival, Detels spoke with the woman, who explained that she was referred from Elko to attend the Crossroads Program but was unsure of how to contact them and be transported there. Detels not only called Crossroads to set up the intake process but also transported the client there.
July 2024 Report


  • 08/07/2024 – On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, Ambassador Jimenez came across a disabled older adult man who was sitting on Virginia St. When assessing the individual, Ambassador Jimenez recognized that the man was reported on social media to be missing and family was worried about his well-being. Turns out, the man was displaying symptoms of dementia and was unaware that he had permanent housing. Ambassador Jimenez contacted his family, and they arrived with haste to retrieve their father, who was grateful to see them.
  • 08/20/2024 – Ambassador House was walking on Virginia St. when he saw a familiar client crying. When he approached the man, he attempted to console him to which the man began opening up. He explained that he was feeling suicidal and was unsure of the next steps to take to better his mental wellness. Ambassador House sat with the man and spoke with him and gained the man’s trust enough to refer him to the Reno Police, as they are able to get the man admitted into a safe place where he can obtain help through medical and therapeutic assistance. When RPD arrived, they worked with the man to contact family members of his future whereabouts and transported him to the hospital for further evaluation. On August 26, 2024, Ambassador House came across the same individual who expressed gratitude for House’s compassion and said he is staying with his family and working toward obtaining employment.
August 2024 Report


  • 09/27/2024 – Social Services Ambassador Detels was introduced to a brother and sister in July who were both very scared to be out on the streets at night due to being taken advantage of through theft. Social Services Ambassador Detels worked with Our Place to get the two housed with their program. On September 27, 2024, Social Services Ambassador Detels ran into the brother and sister who informed him that they are now both housed in an apartment.
    • 09/20/2024 In the month of September, Social Services Ambassador Hultsman spoke with a couple referred to our services regarding a one-way ticket home to Denver, Colorado. When assessing the individuals, Social Services Ambassador Hultsman found that one client was still attending Community Court to settle a misdemeanor. Before purchasing the ticket, Social Services Ambassador Hultsman contacted her caseworker connected to the case to confirm that she could leave town. On September 20, 2024, the couple and their two service animals successfully boarded the Greyhound Bus back home to live with the client’s mother in Colorado.
September 2024 Report


  • 10/06/2024 – Social Services Ambassador Hultsman conducted a wellness check on a young woman who was crying on Virginia St. Upon speaking with the woman, Ambassador Hultsman found that the woman was recently displaced due to a domestic dispute between her and her partner, leaving her stranded outside with nowhere to go. Ambassador Hultsman was able to assist the woman with contacting her family members in Reno to come pick her up. Ambassador Hultsman also transported her to Cares Campus, where she was able to get lunch and wait safely for her family to pick her up.
  • 10/30/2024 Ambassadors were alerted of Lake Mill Lodge, a motel in Downtown Reno, was condemned, leaving around 150 people displaced. Social Service Ambassadors were sent to the scene and relocated 8 individuals to motels in downtown that were paid for by the City of Reno. Along with this, Social Services Ambassadors coordinated with many different outreach teams and agencies who arrived at the scene as well, providing different resources to these individuals.
October 2024 Report


  • November – For the month of November, Social Services Ambassador Tremaine has been working with a client who is a United States Veteran and has been unhoused for nearly two years. Although the client has been working with Capitol Hill, he has still been on the waitlist for housing. While he waits, Social Services Tremaine Believed the next best course of action was to nominate the client for Safe Camp. The client was successfully voted in and moved into Safe Camp on November 25th. This new housing provides the client with a safe place to live while he is waiting for Veteran Housing.
  • 11/20/2024 Social Services Ambassador Hultsman was conducting a wellness check on 3rd and Washington when she met a man with a dog, who had an encampment built on that street. Upon speaking with the man, Social Services Hultsman found that the man was wanting to utilize Cares Campus for shelter, but not only have there been no beds available, but his dog is also in need of vaccinations. Social Services Hultsman explained to the man that Cares Campus will be opening their overflow shelter within 10 days and he could receive a vaccination voucher for his pup to get the ball rolling. The man agreed and the following week he advised Social Services Ambassador Hultsman know that his dog in now vaccinated.
November 2024 Report



  • December – Throughout both November and December, Social Services Hultsman was working with a client to get into Safe Camp. This client was a particularly difficult case, as due to the client’s criminal record, was unable to utilize treatment facilities, and was ordered to find housing through Community Court. Social Services Hultsman worked with both the client and the judge to have the client nominated for Safe Camp. After a few failed attempts, the client was accepted and moved in the last week of December. The client is now able to graduate from Community Court and obtain employment for longterm housing.
  • 12/28/2024 Social Services Ross came across an elderly woman, sleeping under the overpass at Wells and 4th St. When Social Services Ross conducted a wellness check on the woman, Ross found her to be badly bruised due to being assaulted the night prior. The woman explained to Social Services Ross that she had stayed at Our Place in the past but was unable to walk back to the location to get a bed. Social Services Ross transported the client to Our Place, where the woman received the last bottom bunk at Our Place.

December 2024 Report

2023 Ambassador Reports


2023 Ambassador Reports


2023 Ambassador Reports




  • 01/03/2023 – Ambassador Jose was able to assist a man with a bus ticket to California along with extra food and clothing.

  • 01/08/2023 – Ambassador Erik was able to help a family with a jump start to get the kids to school.

  • 01/17/2023 – Ambassador Edger and Xavier were able connect with various stakeholders to help with an upcoming event that creates a coupon book for the businesses in the downtown area.

  • 01/27/2023 – Ambassadors completed CPR classes to further help in critical situations.


  • 01/09/2023 – Outreach Esther got a call to help transport a woman to one of the shelters. Outreach Rainey and Outreach Esther went to pick up the woman and her dog, and transported her to the Cares Campus where they can help her get her dog’s vaccines figured out. After Outreach Rainey and Outreach Esther got to Cares Campus and dropped the woman and her dog, we transported another woman to Our Place. While transporting to Our Place, Outreach Rainey and Outreach Esther got a call about a family at the Amtrack station. We went to the Amtrack station and met with a woman and a father and son. The bus that was supposed to pick them up got canceled and left all three stranded at the Amtrack station. We took them to the actual Greyhound station to get things figured out.

  • 01/17/2023 – Outreach was able to transport 2 individuals from CARES campus to the Salvation Army Inpatient facility.

  • 01/31/2023 – This month outreach has been active in attending HMIS meetings adding more information into the system. They were able to get authorization to collect and share information on long-time clients and are now able to better provide assistance.


  • Employee of the Month: Ambassador Brandon has a perfect attendance and a can-do attitude. He keeps his zone free from litter and addresses all incidents he comes across. He assists with training and is the first to volunteer in late hours and big clean up jobs.

  • Caught Doing Something Right: Outreach coordinator Rainey continuously goes out of her way to help people in need. Including a family who ran out of gas without a gas can and were late for school.

  • Customer Service Award: Edgar is our newest hospitality Ambassador and is making a big splash. His knowledge of Reno and personal ties with the downtown area has had tremendous upside.

January 2023 Report



  • 02/03/2023 – Ambassador Jose was able to assist a family with finding a lost dog that had jumped out of their vehicle while at a red light on No. Virginia Street. The chase lasted about 20 minutes but in the end Friday “The Dog” was caught and detained until they were able to get to where he was captured at.

  • 02/08/2023 – Ambassador Erik was able to help a family by arranging a ride to get their kids to school when the family car broke down on lake street.

  • 02/10/2023 – Ambassador Edger was able to connect a mother with her son who had been living on the streets and had not checked in with family for 8 months. A heart felt situation with a wonderful reunion.

  • 02/23/2023 – Ambassadors received a call from The City Hall Security, about a woman’s car that would not start. The team was able to jump start the car and helped her get home.

  • 02/24/2023 – The team had a gentlemen come to the office asking for Narcan due to a young lady overdosing under the bowling stadium. The ambassador team was dispatched with Wade, Ambassadors Rosco and Jose responding to the situation. The young lady was given two doses of Narcan while Ambassador Jose and Rosco conducted CPR. Wade called 911, the paramedics arrived on scene and she responsive. Due to the quick response of our Ambassadors, she lives another day.


  • 02/07/2023 – During the city walk the outreach team was able to get Jennifer Lodge off the streets. She was sleeping in a store’s alcove and after contacting her she agreed to go to Our Place for resources. Outreach Hultsman responded to a call from RTC regarding an unclothed woman on bus #18. Upon arrival, the woman was wearing a trash bag but was not exposing herself. Esther provided the woman with a blanket and Jason Hinshaw provided a parka. She refused any other services.

  • 02/12/2023 – Outreach Hultsman and David Papaleo went down to 6th and Vine, where we contacted an individual who was residing in a broken-down white camper van. The man, named Michael, explained that he is waiting for a friend to come help tow his car at about 3 P.M. When we went back to the area, he and the camper were gone.

  • 02/13/2023 – After the city walk Esther, transported two gentlemen. Took one gentleman to the Cares Campus and got him in a bed. Took the other gentleman to Capitol Hill to get services, but he was not enrolled for their services. He was taken to the VA hospital to get enrolled into their program.

  • 02/19/2023 – Outreach Hultsman responded to a transport request from Cares Campus. David Papaleo and I picked up 4 women from Cares and transported them to Our Place. Names: Jamie Roper, Teresa Fletcher, Donna Simons, Holly Burns and Synthia Fontaine was later transported to Our Place also.

  • 02/22/2023 – Outreach Hultsman responded to a call regarding a 22-year-old in WellCare Alley. Upon arrival, she did not provide her name and refused services.

February 2023 Report




  • 03/03/2023 – Ambassador Erik helped a lady overdosing from opiates by administering Narcan and reviving her until emergency services arrived.
  • 03/08/2023 – Ambassador Francois removed 17 abandoned shopping carts from the downtown area.
  • 03/19/2023 – Ambassadors as a team were able to wade into the Truckee River to help remove litter and debris from those hard to reach areas.
  • 03/30/2023 – Ambassador Edgar helped an elderly lady with hypothermia to get to the hospital for treatment.



  • 03/01/2023 – Outreach Esther and Danielle assisted a mother and her three children with getting back to their friend’s house in South Reno as they were stranded downtown due to Greyhound not operating during the snow storm.
  • 03/16/2023 – Outreach Rainey had been working with a lady for a week when she was able to help by transporting her to Options Vet Care to get her cat vaccinated and successfully got them both a bed at Our Place Women’s Shelter.
  • 03/30/2023 – Outreach Danielle and David assisted a disabled individual with receiving a ticket home to Florida after being stranded in Reno for a few days. They were able to get him into Motel 6 for the night until his train arrived the next morning, to which he was transported to Amtrak with food for his travels.

March 2023 Report



  • 04/04/2023 – Ambassador Jason was able to return an iPhone to a woman before she left town for California.

  • 04/10/2023 – Ambassador Jose found a man’s paycheck and returned it to him at his residence saving him any extra hassle.

  • 04/17/2023 –Ambassadors as a team throughout the month gave extra patrol for the bowling tournament helping to keep problems to a minimum.

  • 04/28/2023 – Ambassador Wade and Jason N. participated in 7 large encampment cleanups.


  • 4/20/2023Outreach Esther and Rainey responded to a call from RTC where a lady slipped in the snow and could not walk. They were able to get her into our transport van and take her to Saint Mary’s for medical attention.
  • 04/16/2023 – Outreach Rainey had been working with a man named Bobby for 6 months and was able to help get him into safecamp with the assistance of other agencies as well.

  • 04/30/2023 – Our Outreach team has been able to help out 9 people using shopping carts as storage by swapping their carts out for rolling luggage bags.

April 2023 Report



  • Helped an elderly woman that had been living out of a broke down car for month’s receive the resources needed to move into transitional living and get her medical issues under control. She is now doing a lot better and her quality of life is better than anything that she remembers for a long time.

  • Had various individuals become stranded here in Reno during the month of May and have been able to provide alternatives for them rather than them having to stay on the streets, we also helped by providing transportation to a few of those stranded and, in some cases, even able to give out bus tickets that got them back to the place they called home.

  • Strong start with the night shift and have had a major impact on the overnight encampments being diminished by an impressive amount within the first week. The push back also has been minimal which is another success that is directly related to treating everyone with respect.


  • 05/11/2023 – Outreach Ross got a call from Amtrak about a gentleman who was seeking assistance to get home to Fresno, California. Marcus came out here with some friends who ended up not being so friendly after all. I spoke with his family in Fresno who want him to come home. Also a sense of urgency because his brother’s funeral was the next day as well. We were able to get him a greyhound bus ticket back to Fresno that day at 2:50.

  • 05/11/2023 – Ambassador Tremaine went on the City Walk from 2 pm to 3 pm. On the walk, she encountered a gentleman named Joe that was living out of his car. Joe stated that he does not get enough retirement money to afford a stable living situation. Ambassador Tremaine then introduced Joe to the housing authority person who talked to Joe about how he could help.

  • 05/12/2023 – Outreach Ross assisted a gentleman by the name of Timothy. He came to base needing assistance with getting back home to Sacramento, California. He had originally came out here for a job opportunity, that didn’t work out. I spoke with his wife in Sacramento who said that he can come back home to her and the kids. He had a California ID that verified the address that he was going back to as well. I got him a Greyhound bus ticket back to Sacramento for the next morning at 9:50 am.

  • 05/18/2023 – Outreach Hultsman received a call from Antonio (City of Reno employee), who informed me that he had located Jason, who was voted into Safe Camp a week prior, but I was unable to locate him or get a hold of him on his phone. Antonio and I worked together to get Jason to be moved into Safe Camp that same day. Later, Jason stopped by the base and told me that he was successfully moved in.

  • 05/25/2023 – Ambassador Tremaine responded to a call to help a gentleman named Jeffery. Ambassador Tremaine found Jeffery laying on the ground asking to have the fire department come to get him. Ambassador Tremaine called non-emergency and asked to have an ambulance come to help Jeffery. The paramedics came and after helping pick up Jeffery’s things and s they took him to the hospital.

May 2023 Report




  • Ambassador’s Edgar and Pratap were doing routine safety and welfare checks along the riverwalk when they came across a male that was lying face down on some rocks by the river. They immediately noticed the way he was laying looked unnatural and that there was cause for concern. Quickly, they got to where he was, and attempted to contact him, but that was to no avail, as he was unresponsive. They both knew what to do next and acting on experience. One of them called 911 while the other followed procedure for a possible overdose. The result was REMSA transporting the individual to the hospital where he would be treated and released. That outcome may had been very different if our team members did not know how to handle the situation.

  • On the morning of the Brews, Blue’s and BBQ’s festival Ambassadors Erik and Esther had a man come up to them at the DRP base whose entire face was covered in blood from numerous cuts and scrapes and a badly broken noise. He claimed he could not remember what had happened to him but from talking with him both Esther and Erik knew just how serious the situation was and worked together at keeping him awake and calm while calling emergency services. Both team members continued providing what care they could while awaiting REMSA’s arrival and informed RPD of the situation up to that point. Once the ambulance had the man loaded up and were about to leave one of the emergency paramedics made a point to inform them that the man had a concussion and was in far worse shape than he appeared or acted. Without their actions he very well might not have survived a traumatic beating like this. Every minute mattered and quick actions were a factor in his wellbeing.

  • The month of June proved to be a month of progress with the many properties and businesses that we keep under our care, constantly dealing with loitering, trespassing or overnight squatters that continue to leave behind trash and bio-waste for our team to clean up. Performing all these responsibilities while continuing to treat each and every person with courtesy and professionalism and a positive attitude. Two of our largest problem areas we continually respond to over the past months has been hands down WellCare Alley and the Gravel pit located behind Am Trak. These two locations have historically been problematic but are seeing significant improvement due to consistent and effective attention. Great job team!



  • 06/06/2023 – Outreach Ambassador Ross got a call from the housing coordinator for Health Plan of Nevada. He asked if I knew a participant by the name of one of our clients, he just got approved for emergency housing through them. After some searching, I finally found the client and his little dog. I then took the client to Community Court where they were able to do his assessment and paperwork for HPN. He is now housed!

  • 06/08/2023 – Outreach met with a husband and wife at base. They were looking for a way to get out of town and trying to get to Louisiana. Outreach looked up the price for two tickets to Louisiana and discovered that it would be over $600 which is not feasible with our program. Outreach heard about Cares Campus possibly providing rides out of town. Outreach took the couple to Cares Campus and discovered that it is true that they provide a ticket out of town. Cares Campus is going to pay for the husband’s ticket to Louisiana for Friday, and as soon as Outreach gets the information from the husband’s ticket, she will get the ticket for the wife.

  • 06/09/2023 – Outreach Ambassador came across a gentleman under the Wells Bridge in a tent along with several others. After assessing his situation, he did have medical conditions that made it hard for him to get around. He also has Health Plan of Nevada as his medical insurance so I gave the client 3 STREET REPORT DOWNTOWN RENO BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT HOSPITALITY AND STREET OUTREACH PROGRAM I JUNE 2023 a call to see if he was eligible to get into emergency housing provided by HPN. After verifying if his medical was active, he got a phone assessment and met criteria and is on the waiting list for next available bed in their house.

  • 06/12/2023 –  Outreach called EMS on a gentleman that was showing off his incision sight to one of his friends. Outreach just happened to look over and noticed that the incision sight looked infected. She first asked if he wanted to go to the hospital, then she called non-emergency as the gentleman was clearly in pain. Outreach stayed with him till EMS showed up.

  • 06/16/2023 – Outreach Ross got a call about a domestic Violence dispute at the Wonder Lodge Motel. I went there and a client that I know well from the streets, was hollering and yelling at the motel staff and so I walked him off property so they would not have to call the police. After he had calmed down, he expressed how he was tired of the streets so I gave him a ride in the van to the PUF House. He went into treatment that day to WellCare Men’s Sober Living.


  • This ambassador has been an irreplaceable member of this family for quite some time now. She is someone that has been considered by some to be the face for the Ambassador’s and she has even taken on that roll at past “meet & greet” type events. You probably know her mostly by her positive, kind and even bubbly personality, that combined with her infectious smile is a force to be reckoned with and it lights up every room that she enters. As an Outreach Ambassador she takes pride in everything she becomes involved with making it her personal mission to find out how she can best help each client with their unique situations and circumstances. There can only be one person that fits everything claimed above and that person can only be “Rainey”.

June 2023 Report




  • Ambassadors were taking a shopping cart back to base when a man was yelling for the team over at an area near the Bowling Stadium. The man was trying to get Ambassadors attention to grab Narcan. One Ambassador went back to base grabbed Narcan and headed over with other fellow Ambassadors. One of the Ambassadors was performing CPR while others were administering Narcan. The client was experiencing an overdose from fentanyl. The client was able to regain a heart beat and brought back to consciousness. The client is doing great and the Ambassador team was able to save another life.

  • Ambassadors had come across a gentleman in need of help and support. The Ambassador team reached out to help him improve and have a better quality of life. The client had done an intake at the life change center. He is now receiving weekly counseling along with weekly support. He is also being held accountable for his drug usage along with medication that he will be receiving daily. The Ambassador team was able to help this client turn his life around by constant help and support from the team.

  • The Ambassadors were patrolling Virginia Street and received a call about a client in distress. The Ambassadors arrived at the scene where the client had fallen out of his wheel chair, while lying on his back, and covered in sweat. The Ambassadors called for support and were quickly on the scene. The Ambassadors helped him cool down, get hydrated, and back in his wheel chair, the client started to become coherent again and started to feel better. The outreach team was able to get this client into The Cares Campus. The client is doing much better now. The entire team was able to assist this client and help him be successful.



  • 07/06/2023 – Outreach Ambassador Tremaine provided a ticket home for a gentleman. He said that he got stranded here looking for work, but is having a hard time getting work. He asked if we could get him home, and Outreach Tremaine provided him a ticket to Susanville through the Sage Stage. She did first confirm that he lives in Susanville through calling one of his friends.

  • 07/13/2023 – Outreach Ambassador Tremaine called 911 for a woman who was overdosing in the parking lot of Catholic Charities. The woman was walking with her sister when her legs began to give out on her and Outreach Tremaine helped support her as she fell to the ground. Outreach Tremaine then called 911 as the lady’s sister and another person started CPR. Fortunately, the lady came to and was helped to her car, as she refused to go to the hospital.

  • 07/26/2023 – Outreach Ambassador Hultsman was conducting wellness checks when she witnessed a client of ours crying on the sidewalk. Upon speaking with her, she explained that her service dog was stolen from her while she was sleeping. Ambassador Hultsman immediately called animal control, but unfortunately, her dog was not located. The following day, on July 27, she came to base requesting that I call animal control again. To our surprise, her dog had been found! Since then, they have been reunited!

July 2023 Report



  • The Streetplus team received an important request in August when we had a meeting with Major Muruato of the Nevada National Guard. The Major informed us that The Nevada National Guard would be in Reno hosting a week-long series of conference’s, conventions and related engagement’s that would require shutting down various parts of downtown Reno to make room for the more than 4,000 service members that would be here attending the various events in Washoe Valley. This number includes 300 high ranking service men & woman ranging from Sargent’s, Generals all the way up to the Deputy Chief of The United States Army Core. Their request was for our presence at some of the events to help with the general public doing basic crowd control and ensuring there would be no safety issues regarding the area’s surrounding the locations of where the event’s took place. The team and Reno cover a number of the events for the National Guard leaving a positive impression of our skills sets. In the end the team received praise for our efforts as we had a part in making sure everything went off without a hitch.

  • On Friday August 11, 2023, A woman from Sacramento, Calif. was left stranded in Reno with only the clothes on her back after her ride ditched her at Circus Circus leaving with her purse still in the vehicle which is where she also kept her cell phone and I.D. This instantly left her at the mercy of the streets of Reno. Having never been to Reno prior, she found herself in a desperate situation with little means of getting herself out of her predicament. With the use of a DRP cell phone she was able to look up her sister’s contact info via the internet and made contact, informing her of her predicament. Seven hours later her sister arrived to assist.

  • On Friday August 18, 2023, two hospitality ambassadors witnessed a man slap a female at Wingfield Park. Both team members went into action by calling RPD while the other team member was able to keep the distracted long enough to get the female away from him. Ultimately the man was arrested and the female got the assistance she needed to go back home and her away from the abusive man.


  • On Wednesday August 2, 2023, an Outreach Ambassador got a client accepted as an alternate for Safe Camp. Since then, the client has moved in and his life has seen a many of improvements.

  • On Wednesday August 2, 2023, an Outreach Ambassador spoke with a member from Karma box regarding a client who we had tried to help get off the streets but up to now had been unsuccessful. The client had been on the streets far too long so working with Karma Box we were finally able to get her admitted into Safe Camp and is in the process of moving in.

  • On Tuesday August 18, 2023, the team would play an important role in locating two runaway teens that were being encouraged to remain on the run by an older male that also was being looked for. In the end the two teenagers would be reunited with their parents and the male arrested for a host of charges, one of them being the possession of a stolen firearm. A dangerous situation that turned ok. Good job team for helping to reunite the girls with their parents.

August 2023 Report



  • 09/07/2023 - Ambassador Marlon was walking down 4th street when he met a houseless woman who was crying and clearly distraught. After calming her, ambassador Marlon was able to find out that she had just lost her job and was now on the streets. Ambassador Marlon calmed her down and informed her of our Outreach Dept. He then radioed one of our Outreach Team members to set a time for her to meet with them and to see if we could be of any help providing what resources we could. The client was grateful for anything she could get and he offered her hope by letting her know how many people we have helped in the past and so later that day she sat down with Outreach Ambassador Esther and went over all the possibilities available. The client now has a new job and is set to move into housing which is a stable living situation where she can be able to go to work each day and have a bed at night to get her needed rest. The client wanted the team to know that we provided her the hope she needed in a time that she felt hopelessness! Good job, team.

  • 09/12/2023 - Ambassador Roscoe was able to help a man that he had been dealing with for a long time, a man that has a history of being violent and for taking it out on ambassadors. Being a seasoned ambassador, Roscoe knows that he deals with the same people throughout each week and building rapport is an important element of being effective as an ambassador. This also ensures better encounters with these individuals we work with each day and will continue to help with future engagements. Well, this principle came full circle on this day for Ambassador Roscoe. This man with the long history of unpleasantness came to us for help because he finally had reached a point where he had had enough and was ready to accept the help he needed. So, Ambassador Roscoe, who always had treated this man respectfully even during the times that this man did not deserve it, now would come into play. This man would remember Ambassador Roscoe due to his interactions he had with him and ultimately this would cause him to feel that he could trust us enough to reach out to us in a moment such as this for help, and he did just that. The man ultimately got into a program with our direction and has remained at that program. We were informed that this individual will be graduating soon and hopefully he will continue with being sober and moving towards securing a productive life for himself. Now that is a shining example of a success story.

  • 09/14/2023 - Ambassador Jason was doing routine safety and welfare checks on 4th Street when he had a woman approach him that was clearly distraught. She informed him that her service dog was taken at Catholic Charities. She told him that he was tied up to a bike rack in the front of the store and while she was getting a food box someone untied him and took him. Ambassador Jason took down all the info he could about her dog and announced it over the radio so that the team could keep a lookout for him. Within the span of two hours, they were able to locate the dog running loose by Aces Ballpark and bring him back to his owner which was a traumatic event turned into one of joy and the client was so thankful to have her dog back safe and sound due to ambassador team work.


  • 09/12/2023 - Outreach Ambassador Danielle got a call from a member at the Cares Campus about a gentleman who is an alcoholic wanting help. They expressed how he was tired of drinking and was ready for treatment. Outreach Danielle informed him of what was needed for him to be successful in his journey to recovery and going to detox was the first step of getting into a treatment facility. Outreach Danielle eventually got him willing to complete the process and accept a ride so she finished her shift by transporting him to RBH where he got assessed and got a bed starting his journey into recovery.

  • 09/27/2023 - Outreach Ambassador Danielle came across a woman huddled on a RTC Bus station bench crying, so she approached her and tried to see if she could be of assistance to her in some way. The woman explained that she has been homeless now for over a week because her son, whom she had been living with, was arrested and got sent to prison landing her on the streets of Reno. She also informed Ambassador Danielle that she was willing to go into a treatment facility of some sort which would address her homeless situation at the same time. After evaluating the situation Ambassador Danielle decided the first step should be getting an assessment done to start the process of getting her into a treatment facility. After she made an appointment for the following week. Next Ambassador Danielle reached out to some programs officially starting that ball rolling. Ambassador Danielle then contacted “Our Place,” a Women’s Shelter, for bed availability and a bed was secured for the woman starting that night. Within the span of just over an hour this woman went from hopelessly crying while being hungry on a bus bench with nowhere to go for the night to having a meal and a bed with a program waiting to take her in.

  • 09/28/2023 - Ambassador Tish was walking down Keystone when she ran across a homeless man that she had worked with in the past with his situation. He was excited to see her and quickly began telling her that he no longer was homeless and wanted Ambassador Tish to know that with the help of the ambassadors he was able to turn his life around. Further, he informed Ambassador Tish that he now was working fulltime at Walmart, had a stable living situation and is in an outpatient program that will allow him to get back his son when it’s completed. All of this got started by Ambassador Tish taking the time to listen to this man’s story and then giving him good advice where it was needed and helping him have a plan of action.

September 2023 Report



  • Ambassadors Edgar and Jason cleaned are cleared out Record St and other local businesses in the area. There were around forty unhomed individuals who became very belligerent and disruptive to the businesses in the area. With tireless efforts by our Ambassador team, they were able to clear the area which made business owners very happy.

  • Ambassador Daniel and Latish were responding to a service call near Keystone and the locksmith. The store owner called for some help and support regarding homeless, trash, and disturbances. Daniel and Latish were able to resolve the situation. Upon arrival they were both able to clear the locksmith as a team and also help a client who was in need of services.

  • Ambassador Marlon received a call from RTC to move an unhoused person to a hotel. The man was partially deaf and older in age. When Ambassador Marlon asked if he was lost or had family in the Reno area the man replied “no.” The man said he had gotten into a fight with his wife and had come from San Francisco on a Greyhound bus. With little to no more information about this man, REMSA was called for support. When REMSA showed up they took him to the hospital. One week later this man was on the news as a person that had nee missing and the Ambassador team helped find him.


  • 10/03/2023 - Outreach Ambassador Dani came across a regular client who expressed how tired she was of being homeless, and was willing to do anything to get off the street. Outreach Ambassador Dani was on the phone with Our Place Women’s Shelter when she inquired about where the client was on the waiting list for Safecamp. Outreach Ambassador Dani was able to reach Karma Box and found out that they were looking for her as she was up for the next pod. We found the client and was able to get her moved in the next day.

  • 10/12/2023 - Outreach Ambassador Dani was on Fourth Street when she ran into a former client who was houseless again. The client is well known by our team and is completely blind. The client expressed that her purse and belongings had been stolen and the client needed help calling to cancel her old cards, order new cards, as well as get some clothing. Outreach Ambassador Dani assisted with the phone calls as well as helped this woman secure new clothing.

  • 10/25/2023 - The Outreach Ambassador team received a phone call from a woman who is a double amputee. The client was living out of her car with her husband on Fourth Street. The client was abandoned for two days with no food, water, or a means to get around. Outreach Ambassadors made sure she received food and water until a bed was available at the shelter. Outreach Ambassadors took the clients dog down to the Options Vet Clinic to get updated on its vaccines (a requirement for Our Place Women’s Shelter.) The client is now housed at the shelter with her pup.

October 2023 Report



  • 11/08/2023 - Ambassador Hinshaw was able to see the fruit of the seeds he had planted a month back when he ran across one of the men that the Ambassadors have a long history of dealings with, someone who has a track record of being overly nasty towards our team members whenever we would get a call that required us to deal with him. Fast forward to this day and there would be an apology for past actions followed by a thanks for treating him fairly we he did not give us the same respect back. He, with the encouragement of Ambassador Hinshaw, went into a 30-day program and completed it the day prior. Now sober and hopeful, we wanted to make amends for how he was towards us and needed us to know that the respect we kept toward him regardless of his actions meant a lot to him once he became sober and he never forgot it. This is a perfect example of playing it forward and seeing why we must always be “Firm, Fair and Consistent!” Thank you, Ambassador Hinshaw, for your commitment to treating everyone with respect regardless of the circumstances.

  • 11/16/2023 - Ambassador Manzo an Ambassador Ross had a situation where a woman was distraught enough. She felt there was no longer a reason to exist. She claimed that she had given up and wanted to fade away, she couldn’t stand being homeless for one more day therefore suicide was the best option. Our team members knew the severity of this situation and acted as quickly as they could to get her calm enough that she would agree to an evaluation by Reno emergency services. They would be able to get her to also listen to them about their own past’s and how they themselves overcame similar issues in their lives as well. In the end she would be admitted to the hospital but about a week later we were able to talk to her again and were relieved to know that she was in a much better place, she no longer wanted to fade away and was now hopeful again. Good job, guys.


  • 11/19/2023 - Outreach Hultsman and Reyes spoke with a long-term client who had left her car parked under the Wells overpass. She needed assistance relocating her car because she was unable to drive the vehicle herself. Although she had a friend that could drive it, she needed assistance with putting gas in the tank and a jumpstart. The client gave us money to pick up gas, and we provided her with a jump start as well.

  • 11/24/2023 - Outreach Tremaine received a call from the female client she took to the hospital a few days earlier. The call was regarding how she was doing, and her asking for a few things that her partner was holding on to for her. The client also informed Outreach Tremaine that she was also being held for “observation” because the client reported that her partner was abusive and had attacked her. Outreach Tremaine promised that she would not give the partner any information past that she was being held for observation. Outreach Tremaine was able to obtain all but one item and delivered it to the client in the hospital. While visiting the client in the hospital, the client told Outreach Tremaine that she had saved the clients life. Besides getting the client away from an abusive relationship, the client had found out that she had pneumonia, laryngitis, strep throat, and a lump that might possibly be cancerous under her arm pit.

  • 11/27/2023 - Outreach Reyes was assisting a client and determining if they were eligible to stay at Our Place Women’s Shelter. Turns out, this client, who is usually resistant of services, is now sober and seeking resources to better their situation. Our Place confirmed that she is eligible to attend their program, so Outreach Hultsman and Reyes transported the woman there.

November 2023 Report



  • 12/12/2023 - Ambassador Hinshaw had a man approach him at our base who was clearly distraught and dealing with emotional trauma. Ambassador Hinshaw understood the situation and let the man know that he cared and was willing to help in any way possible. This time of year can be particularly hard for those that no longer have family or friends to spend the holidays with. Being homeless can make it very hard, which was the case for this gentleman. After talking with him for some time, the man had his spirits lifted and that was all he needed was for someone to just listen to him, and care. The man came back a few weeks later to let Ambassador Hinshaw know just how important it meant to him that day and wanted him to also know that he had been suicidal until he had talked with him. Just that small amount of time spent was enough to carry the man and gave him enough hope to get through the following weeks. That’s a clear example of what little can be needed and just how big an impact it can bring for someone that needs it.

  • 12/20/2023 - Ambassador Miller was a witness to a domestic situation that almost became a violent altercation between two members of our houseless community. Ambassador Miller was able to mediate between the two men and bring their tempers down to a level that they then were able to work out their problem with one another instead of becoming physical, which it almost came to.

  • 12/22/2023 - Ambassadors were out in the field when they came across one of our long-term clients whom we’ve tried to help for the better part of two years. On this day we would find her stuck by the river having had her wheelchair stolen during the night and no real way of getting up to a busy street where she could reach out for some help. We frequently check along the river and in other known areas that are a little out of the way to ensure that everyone is doing ok. On this day we were able to make a bad situation turn into a good one. We had a wheelchair that had been donated to us just a few weeks earlier and we were more than happy to give it to her.

  • 12/15/2023 - There was a man near base who was disoriented and lost. Outreach Reyes approached him and kindly walked him to base. I called REMSA and made sure that he was able to get assisted and checked out.

  • 12/06/2023 - The Outreach team were able to get a client back to Oregon after we were able to get a hold of their family member. They were happy to be able to restart their life and get support from family.

  • 12/14/2023 - Ambassador Rivera ran into a young family with a 3-year-old daughter and brought them back to base for Ambassador Rodriguez to translate because they only spoke Spanish. We learned that they came to this country with a relative and to start work, but the relative then suddenly kicked them out. Outreach Ross and Ambassador Rodriguez transported them to Our Place Family Shelter where they were placed in a room until availability in the family shelter opened up.

  • 12/22/2023 - Outreach Ross assisted a gentleman who was a frequent flyer of the streets get ahold of his brother in Salem, OR. After discovering that his brother wanted him to come stay with him, we were able to get him on the next bus to Salem.
December 2023 Report

2022 Ambassador Reports


2022 Ambassador Reports


2022 Ambassador Reports




  • 01/07/2022 – Parks Ambassador Edward was able to help relocate a lady from an encampment by the river to a shelter.

  • 01/13/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Eric was able to assist a man with getting ahold of his family and coordinate in getting him home.

  • 01/20/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Amanda saved a man who was overdosing on Heroin by administering Narcan until paramedics could arrive.

  • 01/26/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Chris helped a lady with safe ride to our place and off the streets.


  • 01/27/2022 – Ambassador Hogan connected an
    older female with outreach to help find shelter. After contacting Victory Outreach, they were able to transport her and get a bed.

  • 01/30/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne and the City of Reno worked to pay a client’s debt on a past rental property to help her get out of homelessness and into her own apartment.

January 2022 Report




  • 02/02/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Erik assisted a lady with replacing her wheelchair which was stolen.
  • 02/17/2022 – Parks Ambassador Edward assisted with the clean-up of several abandoned encampments along the river.

  • 02/21/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Tye assisted animal control with the removal of a number of dead pigeons.

  • 02/28/2022 – Hospitality Ambassadors Sadie and Wade assisted with event support for ‘Reno Stands with Ukraine’ event.



  • 02/18/2022 – Over the last few months our outreach team and many other agencies including the City of Reno worked as a team to help a client into his own housing and secured documents needed to pursue future employment.

  • 02/27/2022 – Social Outreach Hultsman called Remsa for a man who was experiencing chest pains in Well Care Alley.

  • 02/23/2022 – Lead Outreach Joy was approached by a female and her small puppy. Upon speaking with the client, she explained she was having trouble trying to find shelter and safe place to stay here in Reno. With the support of Sober 24, the client was able to get a buss ticket back home.

February 2022 Report



  • 03/03/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Jason was able to helpa man who ran out of gas by filling a gas can for him.

  • 03/12/2022 – Parks Ambassador Edward was able to recover 3 shopping carts out of the Truckee River.

  • 03/18/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Amanda was able to help a lady with reconnecting with her family to return to Oregon.

  • 03/30/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Wade helped a lady with getting home to California by successfully safe walking her to Amtrak.


  • 03/23/2022 – Outreach Rainey helped a lady with applications for housing, DMV and Social Security.

  • 03/31/2022 – Outreach Jeff helped 4 people to get into sober living houses, including 2 at the Ridgehouse 1 at the Moran House, and 1 at Salvation Army.

  • 03/23/2022 – Lead Social Outreach Joy made contact with RTC Security in regards to a man named Alex who was stranded in Reno. In collaboration with RTC we were able to get Alex to Sparks Greyhound where we assisted in getting him a ticket to California.

March 2022 Report



  • 04/02/2022 – Reno Park Ambassadors have been doing a fantastic job with maintaining our river walk, ensuring cleanliness and keeping a vibrant friendly atmosphere for our locals and visitors as they pass through.

  • 04/10/2022 – The newest addition to the Reno Ambassadors is our cleaning crew. With pressure washers in one hand and pickers in the other, these guys have amped up our efforts in keeping downtown Reno more clean and more friendly.

  • 04/21/2022 – Ambassadors Sadie, Aubrie and Jason assisted in a clean-up of an encampment along the railroad tracks and 6th street. As Social Outreach Rainey offered resources to the Individuals at the encampment, the Ambassadors bagged up trash and cleared the area.

  • 04/27/2022 – Ambassadors Xavier and Roscoe safe walked a man wondering around looking for the RTC bus station where he would be able to catch the Carson connect, getting him back home to Carson City.


  • 04/01/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne, along with the City of Reno, was able to assist a lady and her 3 children with rent and deposit to move from a motel into an apartment.

  • 04/12/2022 – Social Outreach Ambassadors Joy and Jeff transported a man from CARES Campus to the Reno Amtrak, where they assisted in getting him a ticket to Las Vegas where housing and family await his arrival.

  • 04/15/2022 – Social Outreach Joy was made aware of a young lady found wondering around with nothing but a hospital blanket on. Upon gathering more information, it was learned she had left the hospital against medical advice. Along with Reno Police and REMSA we were able to get her back to the hospital where she would be safe and receive the care she needs.

April 2022 Report



  • 05/02/2022 – Gerald B. became stranded after coming to RENO with a friend and desperately needed to get back to Sacramento, CA. Ambassador Robert played an important role in making it all come together including contacting a Payee and getting funds allotted for a bus ticket. Outreach did their part by printing it out and getting it into Gerald’s hands as well as providing a sack lunch through the Episcopal Church. With so many hands, Gerald was able to safely get back home to Sacramento. 

  • 05/10/2022 – Ambassador Lead Roscoe along with two of our newest Ambassador’s Edian and Treci were able to intervene and provide emergency help to an elderly man who had fallen out of his wheelchair and was unable to help himself. The man also was suffering from exposure and was brought into a sunny place where he was able to get the warmth he needed while our ambassadors waited for the M.O.S.T. Team. Once they arrived, they assessed the man and he received the care he so badly needed. 

  • 05/21/2022 – A few of our ambassadors were able to partake in a joint “Homeland Security/AM-TRAK Police” security exercise, featuring “Lucky” the explosive’s sniffing K-9 who specializes in Demolition Chemicals and Fuses. It included the AM-TRAK Police K9 Handler and around seven Homeland Security Special Agents in full tactical gear who were doing passenger screenings and luggage inspections. Three different types of bomb elements were hidden in random locations at the station and Lucky got to show us where they were which he did just that… Flawlessly! 

May 2022 Report



  • 06/06/2022 – Long-time Outreach client “Michael” was finally able to get into an apartment after some difficult hurdles that the Outreach team worked diligently to overcome. Thank you, Yvonne, for being at the forefront and making it your personal mission to see it through. Outreach continues to make big differences in the lives of some of Reno’s more unfortunate!

  • 06/17/2022 – We were able to successfully relocate a couple of different individuals in the month of June, who each, for various reasons, became stranded in the Reno area and had lost the means to get back to where they lived. Our Hospitality Ambassadors ran into these individuals while out in the field having heard each one’s situation and making it a priority to help them as best they could and collaborating with the Outreach Ambassadors to find a means to best help each person’s unique circumstance and in the end celebrating success and making a huge difference in the lives of those who desperately needed help! Way to go team!

  • 06/18/2022 – Ambassadors took place in the annual Reno Rodeo where our entire staff was on full display. Included was a banner, our company van, the pressure washing truck, and Ambassadors on segways, bikes, as well as walking.


  • 06/05/2022 – Social Outreach Joy was able to assist with an elderly female suffering from heat exhaustion. She was transported safely to the emergency room after succumbing to the elements.

  • 06/16/2022 – Social Outreach Ambassadors Rainey responded to a call at Walgreens for an elderly man with dementia. He was observed wandering around Walgreens seemingly confused and unsure of where he was or how he arrived there. With the assistance of Walgreens employee Adrianna, we were able to locate his residence and get him home safely.

  • 06/30/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne was able to transport 18 people on 8 different van trips to Social Security and DMV to assist with getting them social security cards and identification.

June 2022 Report



  • 07/12/2022 – A couple and their 3 small dogs had finally had it with trying to survive on the streets of Reno. They came up here to start over, leaving behind their apartment and family. They asked if there was any way anyone could help their situation. Outreach was able to have one Greyhound ticket paid for through the Ambassadors and afterwards, Outreach got a hold of Rita’s payee and was able to have the second ticket paid for. The couple was successful in getting back home to Fresno to reassess their situation and find more support for their recovery in their home town.

  • 07/26/2022 – Jakob came to the Ambassadors inquiring about getting on his feet. He never had a Nevada State ID nor had any idea how to get these documents. He has been struggling with being a homeless youth and fighting addiction so getting these tasks accomplished were a bit of a challenge. Outreach was able to assist him with going to Catholic Charities and getting his birth certificate voucher as well as getting his birth certificate. We then assisted him with transportation to DMV to obtain his ID.

  • 07/28/2022 – Jessie M. came to Reno to enroll into a recovery program, however, the program was not working for her. She found herself struggling and just wanted to go home to be with her 3 sons. Ambassador Jose was very helpful in getting Jessie to the right place and the Ambassadors assisted her in getting home through Greyhound.


  • 07/13/2022– Outreach Ambassador Joy came across Emmanuel, who was celebrating close to a month of sobriety. He had arrived to Community Court to inquire about a new SNAP Card and Medicaid Card. Joy transported him to the DWSS Office and was able to set him up with a new SNAP Card, and Medicaid card, all of which are being sent in the mail. She also assisted him with obtaining a free phone and submitting a dispute claim against fraudulent charges on his Direct Express Card.

  • 07/18/2022 – Outreach Ambassador Rainey spoke with David, who was involved in the Crossroads program for 6 months. He informed her that he is doing much better, and had received surgery on both of his hands. He was admitted into Crossroads with the assistance of the Ambassadors, and has been sober ever since. He also spends a great deal of his time jogging around downtown and is experiencing a very healthy lifestyle.

  • 07/30/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne was able to transport 44 people on eight different van trips to Social Security and DMV to assist with getting.

July 2022 Report



  • 08/12/2022 – Ambassador Erik assisted with a stranded tourist, giving him a jumper box to get him on his way back to California from Burning Man.

  • 08/24/2022 – Ambassador Chris found a lost dog and was able to have animal control run the chip and return him to his owner.

  • 08/28/2022 – Ambassador Dajon helped two blind women to navigate through Downtown and safely return to their hotel room at The Row.


  • 08/13/2022 – Two of our Outreach Ambassadors were able to help a woman and her 11-month-old infant that were victims of a domestic violence situation that left them stranded in Reno, a place she knew nothing about as she was from California. Outreach brought together their resources, connections and knowledge turning this desperate situation into one with a good ending.

  • 08/18/2022 – One of our long-term clients that we’ve had the pleasure of helping at various times over the past three years, including reuniting him with his sister, recently left the Reno area with a bus ticket we were able to provide him. He is now with family and friends in San Bernadino.

  • 08/30/2022 – Licensed Outreached worked with Annie and her brother for several months getting them into an affordable, two-bedroom housing. Her brother was found dead in late April and Annie returned to living on the street. Meanwhile, we applied for Social Security for Annie and she was finally approved. We assisted her with a bank account and she finally receives her own money. She is on another affordable housing waitlist and we are assisting her with getting asocial security card and identification.

August 2022 Report



  • 09/03/2022 – Ambassador Eidan was able to assist a couple with moving into the Cares Campus from a tent on the Truckee River.

  • 09/17/2022 – Ambassador Craig assisted a man whose electric wheelchair battery died. He was able to push him to a safe charging station.

  • 09/28/2022 – Ambassador Jason was able to help locate a resident’s purse that was stolen and stashed in a bush, nothing was missing when found.


  • 09/11/2022 – Outreach Ambassadors Joy and Rainey were able to assist a woman with a bus pass back to Winnemucca after being released from the hospital and stranded in Reno for two days.

  • 09/18/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne was able to assist a man with moving into permanent housing at Park Manor from the Cares Campus.

  • 09/30/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne worked with a man named Frank who lost his home to a fire in April. Along with the City of Reno, RSGM, and the K.T. Foundation, they were able to assist him with moving him into affordable housing.

September 2022 Report



  • 10/05/2022 – Ambassador Rainey and Ambassador Xavier were able to help a woman stranded in downtown Reno to get a bed at Our Place in Sparks.

  • 10/19/2022 – Ambassador Roscoe was contacted by a woman looking to get her at-risk daughter into a treatment facility. He was able to connect her with Step 2, and she is now receiving in-patient treatment.

  • 10/28/2022 – Ambassador Erik was able to get 2 men into the Cares Campus when they became stranded because their Greyhound Bus was delayed due to weather.


  • 10/07/2022 – Outreach Ambassadors Joy and Danielle found a deaf woman who was sleeping in a storm drain. They were able to contact the Fire Dept. who pulled her to safety.

  • 10/18/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne was able to transport a total of four people to Cares Campus and Our Place during a City of Reno tour.

  • 10/30/2022 – Outreach Ambassador Rainey was able to help a man stranded in Reno get a Greyhound Bus ticket back to California.

October 2022 Report



  • 11/05/2022 – Ambassador Jason P. was able to help get a pregnant woman into Our Place and off the streets of downtown.

  • 11/11/2022 – Ambassador Brandon found a wallet and was able to locate the owner via social media and return her belongings to her.

  • 11/17/2022 – Ambassador Hunter and Eidan were able to help a juvenile male whose money blew away in the wind with a cab back home to the North Valleys.

  • 11/30/2022 – Ambassador Clean Team of Wade and Thomas collected almost 1,000 lbs. of trash this month.


  • 11/07/2022 – Outreach Ambassador Danielle encountered a female named Michelle who took a bus to Reno to escape a domestic situation. She was unfamiliar with the Reno area and available services. Ambassador Danielle was able to connect her with resources and a case worker to get her shelter at Our Place.

  • 11/16/2022 – Outreach Ambassador Rainy was able to help a young man from Europe who was homeless and lost at the local bus depot, by transporting him to The Eddie House for resources.

  • 11/30/2022 – The Outreach team was able to transport over 20 people this month to the Cares Campus for warmth and shelter.

November 2022 Report



  • 12/06/2022 – Ambassador Eric assisted a family of 4 with temporary shelter during a snow storm that stranded them in Reno.

  • 12/12/2022 – Ambassador Brandon was able to help move a couple from an encampment on the Truckee River to the Cares Campus.

  • 12/20/2022 – Ambassador Eidan was able to return a woman’s brand new iPhone after it was lost in Downtown Reno.

  • 12/30/2022 – Ambassador Jason was able to help a man get back home to Stead after a long night of drinking where the man passed out in some bushes.


  • 12/10/2022 – Outreach Danielle got a woman into a treatment facility in Carson City after working with her for over a year.

  • 12/12/2022 – Licensed Outreach Rainey and Esther assisted a woman who was stranded with a bus ticket back to California.

  • 12/27/2022 – Outreach Danielle was able to assist a man and his son with food and shelter for the night and a bus ticket to Utah.

December 2022 Report

2021 Ambassador Reports


2021 Ambassador Reports


2021 Ambassador Reports




  • 01/04/2021 – Ambassador Chris and Ambassador Amanda were along the Riverwalk when they came across a man named D, who was overdosing on heroin. They stayed calm and sprang into action with Ambassador Amanda administering NARCAN while Ambassador Chris was on the phone with emergency dispatch. He came out of the overdose as REMSA was fortunately getting to this hard-to-reach place. A life was saved this day.

  • 01/18/2021 – A lady approached Ambassador Tye to return a wallet that was lost. With a few phone calls and a little social media investigation, we were able to return the wallet to its owner with all its contents including her bill money accounted for.

  • 01/29/2021 – Ambassador Kris was walking by the 2nd Street bridge when he noticed a lady sitting atop the guard rail, and immediately realized this individual was in distress. He approached her and started a conversation. Using some of the training the Ambassadors received Kris was able contact 911, then learn the individuals name and ultimately get her to come down off the railing allowing for RPD to arrive and take over the situation. She said her name was M. and he made sure to use her name while talking to her and dialed 911. She finally came off the railing and Reno Police arrived to take over the situation.


  • During outreach to an encampment on 6th and Vine, our outreach made contact with an individual who was in need of his social security card, a phone, Nevada ID, and housing since he was ready to get off the streets. We were able to reconnect him with Project Restart who provided him with a case manager. After his first meeting he was able to get a phone, access mail, he has been placed on multiple housing lists, we got him to the DMV with support from Volunteers of America to get a new ID. He has since found a more stable place to stay and has begun applying to various jobs.

  • In the month of January our outreach team has successfully enrolled 3 individuals into a Medicaid plan. This has become a major initiative of our outreach, Medicaid provides services and support to the population we serve. Insuring everyone we encounter has active insurance or Medicaid will not only save our community money, but it also opens a lot of doors to get the services they need when they are ready.

January 2021 Report



  • 02/07/2021 – Ambassador Steven P. met a 95-year- old lady at Catholic Charities who was in need of a wheelchair. That following Monday with the help of our Outreach team one was found and brought to her residence.

  • 02/16/2021 Ambassador Jose R. helped a man named James W. to activate his credit card and then assisted with getting him an Amtrak ticket back to his home in Denver, CO.
  • 02/28/2021 Ambassador Steven L. assisted in saving a man’s life who was overdosing on opiates in front of a liquor store. Ambassador Steven administered Narcan to the man while waiting for medical attention to arrive.


  • 02/09/2021 – We met Irene, She had recently been displaced and was in need of shelter. After a search for temporary housing, she was able to get a hotel through Fran with Valley View Church. The next day we were able to get her over to meet Tracey at the Community Outreach Crisis Center. Irene qualified for their housing and was able to do an intake into the stepping stones program. We ran into Irene a week later and she is very happy with where she is and will be getting her old job back soon.

  • 02/16/2021 – Ambassador Tabatha worked with a client to obtain a train ticket to Winnemucca to be with his sister Amanda. Just prior to train departure, the conductor would not allow the client to board due to extreme intoxication. Our licensed outreach helped the next A.M. with Amtrak to check options for Client. Amtrak agent Ayisha credited client’s train ticket as a voucher & confirmed he was rescheduled by agent Brian for next departure on Thur. 2.18.21, Outreach Specialist Donald G was made aware of the situation & information to convey to client due to probable encounter in DRP zone. On the following day 2 /17/21, Social Outreach Griffin spoke with Frank D. about his train leaving for Winnemucca. Frank was intoxicated and did not feel comfortable holding on to his ticket, So Licensed Outreach Deslongchamp kept it. Ambassador Juan confirmed Client was picked up by sister Amanda from Winnemucca & is currently in Shasta/ Redding Calif.

  • 02/20/2021 – Social Outreach Reid assisted a man, Kevin, who was stranded in Reno. He needed to be back in Napa. Amtrak was not available until Monday in that direction. Ambassador Juan assisted Kevin in scheduling a Greyhound online for the next day, Kevin was able to pay for the ticket with his money. We printed his ticket for him. We also called Travelodge and reserved him a room for one night and safe walked him there. The next day we safe walked him to the Greyhound and he successfully got on his way.

  • 02/22/2021 – Michael arrived at D.R.P. office asking for assistance. We contacted the Ridge House and made an appointment for the following day. We went to the Ridge House and signed him up for out-patient that begins 03/11/2021 and in-patient on 04/11/2021. While waiting, he was given a voucher from Catholic Charities to obtain his Nevada I.D. and has stayed clean for 10 days. Client was advised by us to go to Nevada Behavioral Health and they conducted a U.A. on 02/25/2021 which was negative for substances. Brittney from H.P.N. has assisted us in coming up with ideas while the client awaits placement into the Ridge House. We also assisted the client in obtaining a free phone from Assurance Wireless. The client has been attending 12 Step meetings with signatures to prove attendance.

February 2021 Report



  • 03/04/2021 – Ambassador Kevin N. was flagged down in front of Saint Mary’s by a paraplegic man named James. While James was waiting for his caregiver he fell from his wheelchair and was unable to get up. Ambassador Kevin helped the gentleman up and stayed with him until the caregiver returned.

  • 03/12/2021 – Ambassador Arthur F. saw a lady named Anna and her two kids hit a curb which flattened two of her tires. They were stranded on the side of a very busy road. Arthur managed to push her car onto a side street and out of harm’s way, an act in which she was very grateful for.

  • 03/21/2021 –Ambassador Erik C. found a wallet on Virginia Street. After checking the identification, he recognized the lady Jessica about 3 blocks up. He stopped her and asked for her name which matched the ID. She was very grateful and even offered a reward, in which he responded, “Just doing my job ma’am“.


  • 03/01/2021 – We were able to give Elizabeth a wheelchair that was donated to us earlier this month. She was unable to get around, her last chair had broken and with her disabilities it seemed impossible. We had met Elizabeth days prior and became aware of her need for a chair. Once we received the donated chair, we had known the perfect home for it.

  • 03/11/2021 – Tug, an individual who has a substance abuse disorder, approached our outreach team. Tug asked for assistance getting into a dry out facility. We have known Tug for a while and this was the first time he had asked for any type of assistance. We safely walked Tug to WellCare and found out what type of insurance he had. He was eligible to go to Reno Behavioral Health, so we provided him a bus pass and he entered treatment that day.


  • 03/17/2021 – While walking around our zones we came into contact with Melinda. She was in great need of a new wheelchair. Melinda was willing to work with Care Chest and Darcy from Washoe County Social Services. She was able to get her new wheelchair courtesy of Care Chest and was extremely happy with it.

March 2021 Report




  • 05/05/2021 – Ambassador Steven was conducting a wellness check on a lady when he recognized her from a missing person poster. After a conversation, he was able to confirm it was her. He walked with her back to base and was able to get her in touch with her sister in California. He got the lady food and water while she waited for her sister to arrive. It was a happy and much needed reunion.

  • 05/17/2022 – Ambassador Jose was patrolling the Riverwalk when he spotted a small dog. Off the information from the collar he was able to get in touch with the owners and reunite them.

  • 05/26/2022 – Ambassador Arthur was able to return a wallet to a lady after leaving a note at the address from her License.

May 2021 Report



  • 06/08/2021 – Ambassador Rainey was able to help a woman bag up her belongings from an encampment, and move her to a hotel room that she is still currently living in.

  • 06/17/2021 – Ambassador Jose was able to establish a relationship with a client named Dave, after multiple interactions Dave finally asked Jose to help him get into detox which we were able to admit him later that day.

  • 06/24/2021 A team of Ambassadors including Ambassador Chris, Jose, and Rainey, were able to get two women who were stranded in the downtown area into a hotel room for the night then, using private funding were able to facilitate a bus ticket home for the two women the next day.

June 2021 Report



  • 07/08/2021 – Outreach was contacted by Hospitality and informed that a mother and her 11-year-old daughter are stranded in Reno from the Bronx, NY. It was determined that she and her daughter came to assist her brother who assured them he would pay for their fare home, which he did not. Outreach took the two to Our Place where they were housed for a few days while her family in NY pulled together the funds to get them on a plane home.

  • 07/13/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Jason along with Licensed Outreach Yvonne was able to help a young man named Jonathan make phone calls to his parents as well as a referral to the EDDY House, a safe place for homeless youth.

  • 07/14/2021 – Social Outreach Joy along with Licensed Outreach Maria was able to assist a client named David with getting his dog vaccinated and into a safe place to stay at the Shelter. They were also able to assist him with replacing his Social Security card and birth certificate so he could obtain employment.

  • 07/21/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Eric was able to assist a couple to repair their RV that was broken down for three months. They were happy and on their way home to California.

  • 07/24/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Brian was able to establish a relationship with Glenn, who after living in a tent for over a year decided to move into the Cares Campus shelter.

July 2021 Report



  • 08/09/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Erik was able to work with city workers to help clean up abandoned encampments along the train tracks in Downtown Reno.

  • 08/17/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Rainey along with Outreach Joy assisted a lady with relocating to the woman’s shelter.

  • 08/27/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Tye assisted RPD with the location of a missing minor and was successful in reuniting her with her family.

  • 08/30/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Alicia found a retired Sheriffs wallet and was able to locate and return it to him.


  • Provided resources to food, clothing, and shelter. Discussed inpatient and outpatient psychiatric service options. Client was provided a 1-way ticket to live with his mother. He departed Reno early this month.

  • Client was transported to Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital to receive inpatient care as she had discontinued her psychotropic medications six months ago and has since deteriorated. Client remains in the care of mental health and medical providers at RBH.

  • Outreach helped a client get out of the shelter into a month to month hotel while waiting on affordable housing options.

August 2021 Report



  • 09/03/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Amanda helped reunite a 15-year-old runaway boy named Damien with his family in California.

  • 09/11/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Wade helped replace someone’s wheelchair after it was stolen.

  • 09/20/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Steve helped relocate a couple to the family shelter.

  • 09/27/2021 – Ambassador Chris helped a man named Carl get a bus ticket home to San Francisco.

September 2021 Report



  • 10/06/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Amanda was able to locate a missing woman and reunite her with her family from California.

  • 10/17/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Wade helped to clean an encampment of a couple who was moving into an apartment.

  • 10/20/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Darryn celebrated 3 years with the Reno Ambassadors.

  • 10/26/2021 – Hospitality Team assisted Rob, a stakeholder, with cleaning up his vacant lot.


  • Back in Dec. of 2020 we were first introduced to a brother and sister experiencing homelessness for roughly 2-5 years. It took several months, lots of follow up and efforts of the whole team, not to mention some repeat work to obtain birth certificates, state IDs & Social Security cards. However, as we close out this colorful October month, we are proud to say they are finally moved into sustainable, affordable housing. It was through the dedicated work of Ambassadors especially our Hospitality Ambassador Jason for all of the continued support extended to these two clients over many months. There is also much to be said about all the community organizations that played a vital role in this success: Reno Housing Authority, Catholic Charities, The Good Shepard Closet, and many others.

  • A meeting was arranged by Antonio Gilmore of the City of Reno Clean & Safe team with the DMV. Thanks to Antonio, the DMV granted DRP Licensed Outreach permission to transport clients to DMV on Tuesday mornings to obtain Nevada ID’s. This will be a huge impact for our vulnerable population needing ID’s to improve their situations.

October 2021 Report



  • 11/06/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Sadie was able to safe walk a young lady to Wellcare for detox.

  • 11-12-2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Jose helped a guy get his ID and Social Security card by translating for him at both locations.

  • 11-19-2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Shawna was able to reunite a dog with its owner after chasing the dog for over a mile.

  • 11/28/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Angel relocated a Hawk to a safer place after it ate too big of a meal and couldn’t fly off a heavily trafficked path.

November 2021 Report



  • 12/07/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Tye was able to help get 2 RVs and an abandoned car removed from 6th Street.

  • 12/13/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Sadie was able to return a cell phone and a purse via Social media to a tourist from Oregon.

  • 12/19/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Angel and Eric saved a man who was overdosing by administering Narcan until paramedics could arrive.

  • 11/28/2021 – Hospitality Ambassador Chris helped a man by cleaning his encampment and getting him moved into the Puff House.


  • 12/11/2021 – Responded to a call at Wright Way for client in need. Reno Police had already spoken with her in regard to trespassing and loitering with an open container at the Wright Way just moments before hand. We safe walked her to WellCare to detox, she is a client of the WellCare system and has a case manager at PUF house. Upon arriving at CTC, they refused her, she was not in need of any treatment. We called the CARES campus to check for any open beds due to her not being allowed back at the Our Place women’s shelter. CARES said to please bring her down. We transported her down there in the company vehicle where she would be sheltered and out of the cold.
  • 12/23/2021 On the 23rd of December we received a call from RTC bus station in regard to a male adult stranded here in Reno. He originally was giving Security a tough time and was asked to please leave the area. Upon hearing that he may possibly be stranded Security then contacted the Ambassador Hotline for Outreach. The client was from Washington was trying to get to Las Vegas with his friend and unfortunately, they became separated, we tried calling customer service but kept getting passed around. Eventually we got the situation ironed out and he was able to go to Las Vegas through a bus ticket provided by the DRP.

December 2021 Report

2020 Ambassador Reports


2020 Ambassador Reports


2020 Ambassador Reports




  • 01/07/2022 – Parks Ambassador Edward was able to help relocate a lady from an encampment by the river to a shelter.

  • 01/13/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Eric was able to assist a man with getting ahold of his family and coordinate in getting him home.

  • 01/20/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Amanda saved a man who was overdosing on Heroin by administering Narcan until paramedics could arrive.

  • 01/26/2022 – Hospitality Ambassador Chris helped a lady with safe ride to our place and off the streets.


  • 01/27/2022 – Ambassador Hogan connected an older female with outreach to help find shelter. After contacting Victory Outreach, they were able to transport her and get a bed.

  • 01/30/2022 – Licensed Outreach Yvonne and the City of Reno worked to pay a client’s debt on a past rental property to help her get out of homelessness and into her own apartment.

January 2022 Report




  • Ambassador Shannon responded to a call for service from the Reno Axe Bar about a man that was unconscious outside of their property. The individual appeared to be dehydrated, so Shannon got him a cup of water. Ambassador Shannon then contacted non-emergency to report the individual. REMSA arrived and assisted the individual into the ambulance. About 10 minutes later the individual jumped out of the ambulance and ran away, because the paramedics were going to “give him something to take his high away.”

  • Ambassador Jake responded to McDonald’s on N. Virginia Street for a person, later identify as Mark, threatening people and yelling military codes. Mark seemed to be suffering from PTSD. Ambassador Heathcote called non-emergency and REMSA responded and transported Mark to Renown.

  • Ambassador Jose noticed 2 people behind the fence at the Monte Carlo Hotel on North Virginia. As Jose crossed the street to get a closer look at what was going on, he noticed clouds of smoke coming from a room on the second floor. At this time, Jose contacted RPD and they arrived approximately 4 minutes after and conducted an investigation.

  • A person pulled Ambassador Shantera aside at 400 Center street, and stated that he suffered from pneumonia and was having trouble breathing. At that time, Shantera contacted non-emergency. REMSA arrived and informed Shantera that the specific individual calls all the time so that he can have somewhere to stay for the night. The paramedics told him to get his prescribed medication, and they gave him a ride to get it.

March 2020 Report




  • A team of ambassadors went to Evans Park to remove the encampment that we have been working on for the last few days. Upon our arrival, they contacted non- emergency and officer Jenkins came to the park and helped the team of ambassadors remove the individuals from the park. Officer Jenkins informed us that the ambassadors have to call Volunteers of America and make sure there are beds available before we remove the camps.

  • Ambassador Shantera assisted with Stan, he needed her to call REMSA. He was complaining about a swollen ulcer and was in a lot of pain. Stan was taken to the hospital.

  • Ambassador Deloney assisted with a person slumped over complaining of chest pain. He was located on 4th St. in front of St. Vincent. Deloney called non- emergency. Shortly after REMSA arrived and they took him to the hospital.

  • Ambassador Donald observed Anna laying in the front of the National Bowling Stadium. He conducted a wellness check and noticed that she was intoxicated. She was too intoxicated to walk. He transported her in a wheelchair to Wellcare. However, they had no female beds available. Donald then called REMSA and she was taken to the hospital.

  • Ambassadors had to call non-emergency to 4th Street to remove a group of people drinking, causing a disturbance and refusing to leave. RPD arrived and office Wilson removed all individuals –no arrests were made.

April 2020 Report



  • Ambassador Adolph conducted a wellness check on WFA “Jessica” . “Jessica” was located at the Whale statue in the City Plaza. Ambassador Adolph noticed “Jessica” slumped over in pain and assisted in placing a non-emergency call to REMSA. REMSA arrived and transported “Jessica” to a hospital for further medical treatment. “Jessica” was released a few days later and very thankful to the Ambassadors for all the calls in the last 4 months; over 20 non-emergency calls and 10 safety walks to WellCare for detox in May.

  • Ambassador Perales was performing a wellness check on a man named “Robert” at the AT&T building on 1st & Lake street. “Robert” told Ambassador Perales he had broken ribs and needed medical help. Ambassador Perales called non-emergency and they put ambassador Perales through to REMSA and took “Robert” to Renown Medical Center.

  • Social Service Outreach Ambassador Gerch received a call from Officer Wickman with the Reno DAS, asking for assistance with helping locate a 32-year-old WMA who suffers from Dual Diagnosis and was wanted for an Outstanding Warrant. With the help of Ambassador Gersch and being able to locate him; Mr. Lang was safely detained and arrested.

  • Ambassador Chapa assisted with a WMA from Kanas City AK who was visiting Reno, NV when the Covid-19 pandemic shelter in place started in Reno. The WMA stayed at Reno Event Center after his personal belongings and money came up missing. Ambassador Chapa met the WMA on May 12th at the DRP Plaza and assisted with working through agencies (e.g. Sober24, Lifestyle) with funding to help return home through Greyhound. Ambassador Chapa safe walked the WMA to the Amtrak station on May 15th at 0900 to catch his 3-day bus ride home.

  • Ambassadors came together with the Reno Community on May 31st, the day after a violent protest in Downtown Reno, and began cleaning, sweeping up broken glass and removing graffiti from local Downtown Reno business store fronts and sidewalks. Ambassadors continued to patrol the area looking for any further damage to either clean or place calls for repair to the Reno Direct.

  • Ambassador Griffin observed an NFA who was too intoxicated to walk. Ambassador Griffin called non- emergency. RPD Officer Wilson arrived and called REMSA to Evans Street. REMSA conducted a wellness check on the female. No further medical treatment was provided. Officer Wilson and Ambassador Griffin walked the female to WellCare for detox.

May 2020 Report



  • Ambassador Quintero assisted with a young woman named Ameena at Circus Circus that was kidnapped, drugged and possibly raped. Ambassador Quintero made sure the Ameena felt safe and helped her get in touch with her father to get back home. Ameena lives in Oklahoma and Ambassador Quintero was able to help Ameena’s father purchase a train ticket to get her home. Ameena stated she was two months pregnant and scared, however she did not want to file a police report. Ambassador Quintero was able to get her a bed at the event center for the night. The next morning, our day shift Ambassadors meet Ameena and provided her with an escort to the Amtrak station where she boarded her train to be reunited with her family.

  • Social Outreach Ambassador Gersch, utilized the connections that she has built with Care Chest of Nevada to obtain 5 wheelchairs during the month of June. These were provided to five individuals who had an immediate need for new wheelchairs.

  • 06/04/2020 – Ambassador Perales made contact with an adult male named Brandon. Brandon is trying to get sober and change his life. Ambassador Perales got Brandon a Phone interview with Lisa Moore at Life Changes Inc. which placed him on the path to recovery.
  • 06/09/2020 – Ambassador Perales and Social Outreach Griffin came upon an adult male later identified as Mark whom was too intoxicated to walk. Fearing for his well-being, Social Outreach Ambassador Griffin was able to flag down a passing ambulance who evaluated and transported Mark to Saint Mary’s hospital.

  • 06/12/2020 – Ambassadors Bissett & Neal- Martine referred Barbara, an adult female who sleeps at the courthouse to the doctor and shelter. Barbara is suffering from an infection in her leg.

June 2020 Report



  • 06/29/2020 – Jacques met with Outreach Gersch asking for help to get into a drug rehab. Outreach Specialist Gersch was able to get Jacques into the Reno Behavior Health where he stayed for 30 days to kick Heroin. On Monday July 20th, Assistant Operations Manager Chapa heard a disturbance outside the DRP office and walk up on Jacques having an emotional breakdown and wanting to go home back to Tuscan Az. After speaking with Jacques and finding out that his mother is dying of Cancer the DRP Ambassador team work hard on finding resources to help him get home. After finding several resources we were able to get Jacques a plane ticket back to Tuscan Az. On Friday the 24th Jacques boarded his plane and landed back home where he can now help take care of his mother, brother and sisters. Jacques called me Friday evening thanking the DRP Ambassadors for all the help we gave him to get home and his sobriety. Follow up call was placed by Assistant Operations Manager Chapa on July 31st and Jacques is still home and taking his Sobriety one day at a time.

  • 07/12/2020 – Ambassador Baby placed a radio call for all staff that there was a CODE ADAM, a gentleman approached Ambassador Baby stating that his wife was missing; she received a picture of his wife and immediately sent to staff on duty. Supervisor Pauly placed a call to RPD informing them of the situation. Approximately 20 minutes later Supervisor Pauly located the missing women and radioed to Ambassador Baby who stayed with the husband that he had found his wife. Both parties met at the West Plaza and were reunited. During this time Supervisor Pauly called RPD back and notified them that the missing women was located, safe and with her husband. RPD, Remsa arrived on scene and performed a medical evaluation. The female was not transported to any hospital. The women suffer from slight dementia and doesn't know where she’s at and just wonders.
  • Shawntina BFA looking to get well before she reunites with her 7-year-old son in Michigan. After further discussion with her it was discovered that she has been a part of Sex trafficking. Suzzie was able to contact Lauren at Awaken to discuss the possibility of connecting Shawntina to Awaken. When Awaken called back we found out Miss Clark had used meth early today, had a few sips of alcohol and smoke some weed yesterday also. Awaken made us aware that they could not intake her until she was medically cleared and went through 3 days detox. we escorted Clark to Renown to be clear. We set Shawntina up at the women's shelter waiting list at #18. Awaken called Suzzie and informed us that she had arranged a bed at Reno Behavioral Health. Shanterra assisted Shawntina with transportation to Behavior Health to begin her 3-day detox.

  • 07/31/2020 – Outreach Donald Griffin, witnessed a NAM named Eddie suffering from a seizure in front of USA manor at and Donald radioed for assistance. Ambassador Villarreal arrived and assisted with putting Eddie on his side and holding his head from further injuring himself while Outreach Griffin placed a call to 911. REMSA and took over the situation. RESMA transported Eddie to St. Mary's hospital for further medical treatment. Both DRP Ambassadors quickly jumped into actions with their proper training to help Eddie seek the medical treatment.

  • 07/21/2020 – Ambassador Landon responded to a man who had fallen and hit his head. upon arrival Landon assessed the situation and called non- emergency. they arrived and helped the man into his walker but he didn’t want to go to the hospital.

  • 07/23/2020 – Ambassador Cailen was dispatched to Louise Basque on the corner of 4th and Evans in regards to a male sleeping at the door. The man was unresponsive and highly intoxicated. Cailen called 911 and REMSA.

July 2020 Report



  • Over the last two years our Ambassador team, along with outreach from different agencies have worked on getting “Katie” into the shelter and working with her case manager. “Katie” who suffers from mental health issues was very hesitant to trust anyone who approached her until one of the days Donald checked on her and she asked for help. Donald spoke with her and decided to bring her to our office where we were able to make contact with the MOST team. From there we established a bed for her at the new woman’s shelter and provided transportation for her to get there. We later received an email through our website thanking Donald for his dedication to assisting her.

  • Our team was able to track down the property owners of 530 Center St. and get permission to access an area that contained a homeless encampment. Our team began to offer services and support to those living in the encampment. We were able to assist some with a bed at the local shelter, one individual to the local detox and the others decided to relocate elsewhere. Once the individuals vacated the property we assisted the property owners with clean up so they could install new fencing.

August 2020 Report



  • After a resident within the BID approached us about his stolen bike, our team was able to help him locate it and get it back to him.

  • Our team cleaned the gutters by the off ramp leading into Downtown Reno.

September 2020 Report



  • Renown called our hotline about a patient they had that was experiencing some physical and mental health issues. He had been in and out of both of our local hospitals through the month and it was found that he had no local support. He did have a sister located in Fort Worth, Texas that had been willing to help him as long as he could get there. Renown social workers and our operations manager was able to secure a greyhound ticket for him to get to Fort Worth and our Outreach team was able to connect with Catholic Charities which provided the young man a box of food for his journey.

  • After getting stranded in Reno, Christopher had been staying at the local shelter for 3 weeks and had multiple interactions with our Ambassador team for pan handeling downtown. Once our team was able to connect him with our outreach we found out he was trying to raise enough money to get back home to Lodi, California but struggled to get enough after having to get himself food and water.


  • Our outreach team continues to make huge impacts in our community one person at a time. Through the month of October, we were able to make life just a little easier for some of our most vulnerable. Richard is one of these individuals who struggles to do day to day routines since having a stroke and became wheelchair bound. Outreach Specialist Donald Griffin worked to connect him with Project Restart and ultimately Care Chest of Reno which was able to provide him with an electric wheelchair. For the last year Richard had to be pushed in his wheelchair to get places but now is more self sufficient in getting around. Another one of these individuals is Donald who requires a walker to get around. Unfortunately, his walker had broken. Outreach Bisset and Griffin teamed up to get him a new walker from Care Chest of Reno.

October 2020 Report



  • 11/11/2020 – A call came in to our Hotline in regards to a man camped out in the restroom at the Amtrak station. Upon arrival Ambassadors Tabatha and Maria found a man named Joseph who vacated the restroom with tears in his eyes. At that point they could sense something was wrong. They exited Amtrak with him and sparked up a conversation. He told them that he just arrived here from Oregon and was going through a lot in his head, just trying to figure out his next move, which he then stated was to end his life. They also learned he was not on the medication he was prescribed. With a little convincing , he agreed to go to the hospital for medical attention. A call was placed to non- emergency and REMSA responded to get him the help he needed. Joseph was a humble , quiet man, who touched their hearts.

  • 11/17/2020 – Ambassador Chris was conducting a wellness check outside of the Gold N’ Silver on a lady named Jasmine After talking with her about sleeping on a bench she told him that her husband just passed and since then she’s been hearing his voice in her head telling her to commit suicide. She agreed that she needed medical attention and a call was placed to non-emergency, REMSA responded to assist. Jasmine was seen two weeks later at a grocery store, Jasmine told Ambassador Chris that she was taking medications and was very grateful someone was there at that moment.

  • 11/28/2020 – Ambassador Jason was on Virginia Street when he came across a distressed older gentleman standing by an ATM. He turned to him and said the machine kept his card. Jason assured Mr. Williams that his problem could be taken care of inside the bank. Upon his insistence, Jason escorted him inside and spoke with Mrs. Harris about this dilemma. After verifying his identity and the video , his card was returned to him. Mr. Williams was quite relieved and very grateful for the assistance.

November 2020 Report



  • 12/09/2020 – Ambassador Jason came across a man named Jesse who had all of his property stolen, the only thing they left was canned goods, which he had no way to open them. Later that morning while cleaning out a recovered shopping cart, Ambassador Jason came across a brand-new can opener. He was able to track down Jesse by the river, who was very thankful for the opener saying the canned goods would get him through at least a week.

  • 12/21/2020 – A lady named Jessica got in touch with Ambassador Chris in regards to getting clean and sober. After safe walking her to detox at Well Care, he got in touch with Jillian at Ridge house, and was able to secure her a bed where she checked in on December 23rd and is currently doing great.

  • 12/30/2020 – Ambassador Tye was giving directions to 5 ladies by the river at West plaza , after he departed and was a few blocks away, he noticed a purse hanging on the side of a local Brewhouse fence. He checked for identification and noticed that the lady in the picture, Janice, was one of the ladies he gave directions to a few minutes before. He went back to the riverwalk and found them just before they entered a movie theatre. She was very happy as she was from out of town and that purse contained all her cards and her cell phone.


  • August 19, 2020, Social Outreach Griffin and the team of Ambassadors has provided Robert a homeless adult in a wheelchair, with clean clothes from Catholic Charities, emergency showers at Volunteers of America, and pushed Robert in his wheelchair to four of his doctor’s appointments @ Community Health Alliance {CHA}. Robert has received permanent housing, Social Security card, and is awaiting his Birth Certificate.

  • 12/29/2020 – Outreached engaged a single female standing on 4th St, near RR tracks, across from VOA asking if she needed assistance. The request was made to go to the shelter. Outreach contacted Our Place & spoke with Andy who requested name. It turned out the unsheltered female who gave her name had been a “missing person”. Andy arranged a LYFT driver to pick her up & transport her to the women’s shelter where she could reunite with her guardian. After following up we found that she had been reunited and is back at the group home.
  • 12/15/2020 – Outreach made contact with a couple who were in need of a wheel chair for the woman due to hers being stolen. They both had lost their beds at the local shelter and have been sleeping down on the river. We were able to connect with Care Chest of Reno and help get a new wheel chair as well a make a referral to Well Care for other services. A few days later we were able to connect them with the Community Outreach Crisis center for day labor. With support of these agencies, we were able to help the couple get into a hotel room, find work, and be seen by a doctor for ongoing medical issues.

December 2020 Report

2019 Ambassador Reports


2019 Ambassador Reports


2019 Ambassador Reports




  • Some of our greatest accomplishments at the Downtown Reno Partnership include working with Earl. Earl is a Veteran from Alturas, CA who was passing through Reno on the way to his sister’s house when his bus had an unexpected stop due to the weather. Because of his physical and mental health, Earl became disoriented and lost in downtown. When we found him, we were able to connect him with his sister, and create a plan to get him home. We got him safely to the VA and worked closely with him, his case manager at the VA and his sister over the course of the next few days until he was on the next bus home.

  • Education is paramount so we sent two of our ambassadors to the Bridges out of Poverty training that teaches strategies for professionals and communities to better serve our homeless population. We also received training from the Director of Clinical Services at Reno Behavioral, Dr. Anderson which is geared towards working with persons with mental illness. We attended Homeless Connect event where we were able to engage with close to 600 homeless people and networked with most of the local service providers.

  • Our partnerships with HPN, Reno Behavioral, Project Help, VOA, and many others have made it possible to link over 50 people this month to either housing treatment, or other services that will help to improve their situation.

January 2019 Report



  • Our goal is not only to help people off the streets, it’s to KEEP them off the streets. How we achieve this sustainability is by matching each individual with a program that best suits their needs. Our partnership with Health Plan of Nevada has proven to be extremely successful in that nearly all of the people we referred to them from the day we started working with them are still off the streets and thriving. Some are even employed and self-sufficient.

  • We have strengthened our relationship with Reno Police Department by having weekly meetings to improve communication between our team and the officers that regularly work the downtown area. This has helped create an understanding of the best ways to work together and of the new community court initiative that has begun which is not as much punitive based rather service oriented giving those in need options to get help and services through local organizations. This initiative is a huge step towards helping those in need due to the fact it gives someone an option to get support if they really want it.

February 2019 Report



  • In addition to building new relationships, the ambassadors place huge emphasis on nurturing existing ones. Our working partnership with Health Plan of Nevada resulted in several people being housed, insured or placed in treatment this month. We also hosted a Medicine on the Move Clinic at our Pavilion that brought medical care directly to the homeless population. Working directly with Reno Police Department we are able to identify individuals committing nuisance infractions that result in citations to Community Court. This court is designed to drive offenders to receiving services and has been consistently growing.

March 2019 Report



  • Constant training is extremely important for our ambassadors. This month, they received Narcan training and polished up on their service-based approach. West Hills and Eddy house provided training on services provided and proper process. The Reno Police Department educated the team on common downtown Reno municipal codes. Ambassadors climbed the Whitney Peak wall with Miss USA contestants and partnered with Reno Works on a river clean-up.

  • We are always excited to see our initiatives turn to accomplishments. This month, our initiative to speak at the Washoe County Jail inmates resulted in 3 inmates coming directly to the ambassadors for resources, housing or just to thank us, upon their release. Our goal in speaking at the jail is to build trust and reduce recidivism. So far, outcomes are proving effective.

April 2019 Report



  • In the month of May we brought on new ambassadors and new social outreach specialists. All of them have proven to be worthy of their posts. Quite often we are confronted with service-resistant people on the streets, which translates into us investing a lot of time on the same individuals. When we do eventually get one of the service resistant into treatment it’s a win for the team and the city. This month, one of our newest ambassadors and our new social outreach specialist were able to convince “Jamie,” who we’ve been working with since October, to finally get help for his meth addiction.

  • Ambassadors also serve as event support, and this month they had a presence at the Chinese Concert, the Solar Roller Trophy Rally and the Bernie Sanders Rally.

May 2019 Report



  • An ambassador witnessed a male being chased out of a liquor store next to McDonald’s. After interviewing the employees of the liquor store, the Ambassador learned that the male stole. The ambassador called the Reno Police Department and followed the male to Walgreens. The male was arrested.
  • While conducting a check at Amtrak, an ambassador was successful in holding a departing train in order for an elderly male was able to buy a ticket and board the train to Chicago. He was going to Chicago to see his Grandchildren for the first time.

  • During a patrol, one of the ambassadors engaged a male who complained that his legs were numb and his head was “pounding.” The ambassador called for medical assistance and the male was transported to Saint Mary’s for treatment.

  • One of the ambassadors witnessed a male assault two male tourists on the corner of 4th Street and Virginia. The ambassador intervened and stopped the battery and called the Reno Police Department. The Bike Enforcement Team arrived and arrested the male because the tourists wanted to file for charges.

  • A highly intoxicated female was asked to leave Campo. She was very combative and creating a disturbance. The ambassador operations manager was able to deescalate the situation and coordinate a ride for the female to get her home safely.

  • Two ambassadors responded to a hotline call from the Downtown Library. A white male adult was very distressed because someone had stolen is backpack from his campsite form the river behind Aces Ball Park. He lost his phone and identification and HIV medication. He was crying while talking with an employee from the library. The ambassadors walked the male to Volunteers of America and were able to get him a bed.

June 2019 Report



  • Ambassadors have been working with Charles, who is chronically homeless with numerous health issues. After months of referrals and hospital visits, Charles was placed into a program with housing provided by WellCare through Community Court.

  • A woman named JoAnne, who was stranded in Reno, was assisted by Ambassadors in getting a train ticket home. The Ambassadors were also successful in getting her clothes for the trip.

  • Anthony was helped by our Social Service Outreach Specialists to get insurance and treatment for an abscess tooth that had become unbearable.

July 2019 Report



  • Donald was at Broadhead Park. He was flagged down by civilians where he encountered Richard Harter who was complaining about chest pains. Don called REMSA and they immediately took Richard to the hospital.

  • Angel was placed on the phone with adult male having a mental breakdown. She was able to give RPD dispatch to our location where he was safely placed on a legal 2000.

  • Joy observed a highly intoxicated man walk into Davison’s and was able to divert and escort him to the new detox facility.

August 2019 Report



  • The Ambassador team informed Outreach during briefing that Charles was ready to receive help. Outreach safely escorted Charles to the Seasons0 Inn on 495 West St. where operators denied him entry due to prior experience. Outreach then safely escorted Charles to the Horseshoe Motel where he was denied because of his appearance and odor. Ambassador Shannon helped Outreach find Charles a room at the Flamingo Motel for two nights. VOA supplied Ambassador Shannon with food and clothing for Charles. The team of Ambassadors will do checks periodically throughout the day while Outreach finds a sober living program.
  • Ambassador Shannon came across Eric Kennedy, a 44-year-old, highly intoxicated man, at the AT&T building. Ambassador Molly and Supervisor Roderick escorted Eric to Well Care where they admitted him.

  • Keith Grassi asked for help getting into detox. Instead of rushing him into a program we were able to find out through Rachel from Health Plan of Nevada (HPN) that he is already a client, and that they would get him into detox and then back to housing.

  • Ambassadors spent multiple hours this week safe walking Gladys to and from the Volunteers of America shelter and base. Donald went with her from motel to motel and eventually got her a room for two weeks at the Castaway Inn.

September 2019 Report



  • 10/06/2019 – at 13:30 pm Ambassadors came across a gentleman passed out on the ground and attempted to wake him up. He was non-responsive; his pulse was low and his lips were purple. Ambassadors administered Narcan, called REMSA, and the man was transported to Saint Mary’s
  • 10/06/2019 – At 12:00pm to Siegel Suites next to Cal-Neva when they saw Firefighters on the sidewalk. There was smoke on the 9th floor and they helped evacuate the building. They proceeded to help more by making sure the pedestrians were not in the way of Firefighters. The building was cleared and the residents were able to return to their rooms.
  • 10/15/2019 – At 8:30am, Nan got a call to 611 West 2nd Street Mid-Town Motel, manager said that they had an encampment in the Alley that had begun to create a disturbance. Ambassadors responded and engaged with the campers. It was explained to them that camping in the alley in addition to having open containers and being loud could drive possible customers away and possibly have a negative effect on business. They understood, cleaned up and moved on.

October 2019 Report




  • 11/17/2019 – Troy flagged down outreach specialist Don indicating he was hallucinating and needed paramedic attention. Troy stated that he hadn’t taking his medication in the last week. Donald immediately called paramedics, and REMSA took Troy to Renown.

  • While conducting stakeholder check-ins, Walgreens manger Natalie advised Outreach Specialist Donald that an adult white male was shoplifting. Don followed the man from a far distance as instructed by RPD and called another Ambassador to assist. The individual ran into the Circus Circus Casino and was no longer seen. Circus Circus security was made aware of the situation. Supervisor Roderick went back to Walgreens and was provided a picture of the shoplifter that was sent to all the phones. Ambassadors are instructed to call RPD if they are to come into contact with the suspect.

  • While conducting wellness and safety checks, Shaw flagged Ambassadors down complaining of chest pains and shortness of breath. Paramedics were called and REMSA arrived shortly thereafter and transported Shaw to Saint Mary’s.

  • Ambassador Daniel was dispatched to McDonald’s on S. Virginia where a young lady named Amanda was in a heated argument with her ex-boyfriend and felt as if her safety was in danger. Daniel safely walked her to her home at the Ponderosa.

November 2019 Report



  • Ambassador Donald assisted with an HMA that was laying down in his own urine and feces. Along with Ambassador Adolph, Donald safe walked the individual to the VOA and helped him get a shower at the Men’s Shelter, get something to eat and get some cleanclothes. They also helped get him find a bed at overflow.

  • 12/28/2019 – Ambassador Davone was able to get a WMA, Scott a print out of his missing Greyhound bus ticket so he could get back home.

  • 12/29/2019 – Ambassadors assisted in finding missing person, William, who was found a few hours after being reported missing from the Amtrak Station.

  • 12/26/2019 – Liz made Outreach aware she was having a hard time walking but denied the paramedics and asked for a safe walk. A wheelchair was used for transporting Liz to where she needed to go. Upon reaching her destination Liz refused to get out of the wheelchair. Liz was asked if she wanted to go back to 4th and Record street or the hospital. REMSA took Liz to Saint Mary’s Medical Center.

  • Supervisor Riddick dispatched outreach to 4th street. Upon arrival an unknown HMA laid unconscious. After conducting a sternum rub and getting the individual to stand up, he was determined unable to walk. Donald called REMSA. REMSA arrived and transported the individual to Saint Mary’s Medical Center.

December 2019 Report

2018 Ambassador Reports


2018 Ambassador Reports


2018 Ambassador Reports




  • Ambassadors developed a relationship with Health Plan of Nevada who provides wrap around services, including housing for those with that specific Medicaid.

  • Created monthly meetings with code enforcement to have a consistent and up to date strategy for maintaining streets.

  • Created partnership with RPD downtown bike team that will allow the DRP to share information on problem individuals.

  • Met with Judge Riggs from Community Court about working with the ambassadors to help get individuals to necessary resources through her new program.

November 2018 Report



  • The Ambassadors have built an alliance with and have been doing walkalongs with the Washoe County Railway Authority to assist in patrolling and to learn more about techniques and the roles each of us play in keeping the railroad tracks in the BID clean and safe.

  • Ambassadors also attended a Town Hall meeting for business and property owners in the Downtown Reno BID that helped us better understand the relationship between the businesses, the homeless and the city. Our shopping cart retrieval initiative has resulted in the retrieval of over 150 shopping carts off the streets of downtown in only a month.

  • In mid-December, we received Narcan training by the M.O.R.E. team from The Life Change Center. Two weeks following the training and now armed with Narcan kits, Ambassadors Jeremy Lambert and Joy Klingenfuss assisted in saving the life of a man who was found overdosing by the river on Christmas Eve.

  • Ambassadors Joy Klingenfuss and Austin Pollard spent time on December 23rd with the Reno Police Department distributing thousands of Christmas gifts to local children in downtown hotels. Ambassadors have also created a partnership with the HOPES clinic, doing outreach twice a month and needle clean up once a week.

  • Ops manager Grant Denton and Social Outreach Specialist Austin Pollard gave a gripping presentation to the Washoe County Incident Command Center with local service providers and first responders that resulted in several contacts and two more presentations the following month.

  • What the Ambassadors are most proud of this month is the fact that 5 individuals that we have been engaging with since we started hitting the streets have come to our office this month asking for help with services. We were able to help them navigate the process of getting an ID, insurance, and into treatment. We have kept up to date on these 5 individuals and they are all still in local programs that are helping them to better their situation. One of the 5 is a lady who was stranded and homeless for several weeks on our streets. Not only did we assist her with the help of Reno Police Department and Greyhound in getting back home but we were able to get her in touch with providers in her hometown where she is receiving services to assist her with housing and her mental health diagnosis.

December 2018 Report

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